Monday 17 March 2014

A Week of Sleep Training

We have been trying to retrain Squish to sleep in his bed, in his room, without us for a whole week now. Initially things started off really well and on night three he slept through the whole night without waking - beautiful! I knew we would have a few more rough nights but I thought we were definitely on the home straight. Boy, how wrong was I?!

After a week I feel like we are back where we started last week. Night six was really, really tough. In preparation we went to bed at 9:30pm. By 10pm Squish was screaming the house down. He didn't want my husband to comfort him, he wanted me and nothing else would do. I managed to get him back in to bed and fairly settled. I said goodnight and headed back to bed. Five minutes later he was screaming again. This went on until midnight by which point we were getting a bit desperate as everyone was awake and nothing seemed to settle him.
In the interests of everyone, I decided to stay in his room with him so we could all get some sleep. Whether he had cried himself to sleep or he somehow knew I was still there I don't know but he slept through the rest of the night peacefully.

Night seven was also hard work but with a difference. We noticed that Squish kept holding his feet and saying his legs hurt (in between cries it is hard to understand him). When we felt his legs they went quite tense on and off which led us to wonder if he is getting cramps at night.
Squish isn't as active as his brother Chaos and has really only been walking on his reins in the last month since we moved. We used the buggy for him before as he didn't want to walk far without being carried. Now he is much keener to walk we have hardly used the buggy. Over the weekend they have been out in the garden both days and walked to the park and the shops. That is a lot of walking for little Squish. He doesn't complain at the time and is more than happy to go but I wonder if we should try to regulate his walking to see if it stops the night cramps. I am going to read up a bit on toddler night cramps and see how we can help him. Until then we shall try to continue with keeping him in bed on his own as much as possible.

If you have any experience or knowledge of night cramps, please leave me a comment as we can do with all the help we can get. Huge thanks x

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