Monday 13 May 2013


Sometimes I just need to spout out a load of shit to offload the weight of it all in my head. I'm sure most people have to do this at times so I have no qualms about doing it here. I must just say that this is going to become my scribble pad for a while.
I have tried to type things of interest fro the last few months but I'm afraid I'm reclaiming my blog for a bit. Real life has taken over and has hit me harder than usual.

My husband is moving out.

I am trying to detach myself from the situation and do what is best for all of us. Although, having just typed that, I'm not entirely sure what the right thing is any more. It feels a bit like a runaway train and I'm just going with it sometimes.

My husband is having trouble adapting to life as a stay at home Dad. I'm not surprised. The kids are bloody hard work and I didn't find it easy either. I was on anti depressants after a while and I don't want that for him. It's shit and I wouldn't wish it on anyone. The boys have started to pick up on his frustration which is causing a few behavioural problems so it has to change.

He has gone straight from home to living with me. We have had a whirlwind few years and I think it has caught up with us. I think he needs to go and be independent for a while. To learn how to manage his money and time without me to fall back on. He needs to mess up to appreciate the consequences.

I am trying to detach myself enough to do the right thing. He said he loves me too much to let me go but I love him to much to hold on. I can't see him suffer knowing I can put an end to it. I want to do the right thing for my whole family.

We are going to move to a more central location so commuting won't be such a big issue. It is going to be quite a big change for all of us so I really hope it is the best thing to do.

It's midnight and I have work tomorrow so I'm off to bed. Seems like my little blog has brought me full circle! x


  1. Oh Kat, I'm so sorry to hear that xx If you ever need a chat or to offload, DM me and that can be sorted. I'm not too sure what to say, except to just take things one step at a time - if you try to look too far ahead into the unknown it will overwhelm you. You have a lot of love and support from us all xx

  2. Oh kat, thinking of you, this is your blog so you can write what you like and if it helps you all the better. Take care of yourself xx

  3. I hope you can come to a place where you are all happy. Thinking of you my lovely xx

  4. I'm so sorry to hear that! I guess if he's never had to look after himself he'd have trouble looking after 3 boys as well. I presume he hasn't been able to find work himself, so you could be the main carer?

    I was a SAHD for the twins' first 2 years & the main carer for their 2nd year - so if he wants some tips just give him my email, OK?

    I hope things work out for you all x


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