Friday 23 August 2013

Counting My Blessings

At times it is very easy to get caught up in all the negativity going on around you. Some times it can change your whole perspective if you take a few minutes just to look at the positive things in your life. There are some. There are always some. Even if it is the sun shining, seeing your favorite flower, hearing from a friend or buying some chocolate. There is always something to make you smile. Sometimes you may just need to look a bit harder than others.

Great things that have blessed me this year...

I beat depression.

I got a new job for the first time in 3 years and love it

I have 3 beautiful, lovely boys who continue to amaze me

We have had some great days out and weekends away

I have 2 great nephews and they are lovely little healthy beans

I have started work on my garden and its going to look amazing... eventually

I am coping with being a single Mum (so far)

I have started blogging again

I climbed a mountain!!

I am back in touch with my sister

These are just a few I could think of. There are plenty of others. It is important to remember how lucky we are and how many things we are blessed with. This is even more important on the bad days when it feels like all is lost. On those days the hugs and smiles I get from my boys give me the strength to keep going. After all, they are my reason...


  1. These are such beautiful blessings, my friend. And also reasons to feel incredibly proud of yourself. xx

  2. That's a great attitiude! Great post :)


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