Friday 4 July 2014

The Prompt - T. V.


I am linking up wit. Sara and The Prompt again this week as the topic caught my attention. It is one of those subjects that can really stir some people up,  especially parents! 
When Big was little,  we didn't really watch tv. He mostly wanted to watch videos so I cancelled our tv license, saved loads of money and we didn't miss it at all. What I did suddenly notice was how many conversations began with "Did you see... last night?" Also the looks I got from telling people we didn't have tv. The number of times I was asked "what do I do?!"  was brilliant and showshow dependant on it we have become. The Sky salesman will always stand out for me." Sorry,  you don't have tv?! Really?? " I thought he was going to pass out!

That was about ten years ago. We did have another spell of no tv when I realised everything we watched was on iplayer and we didn't watch anything live. This was also a few years ago as I'm not sure you can get away with that now. 

Since then I have had my two little boys. Chaos who wouldn't eat a thing unless we had the Charlie and Lola theme on repeat. Then In The Night Garden.  I'm pleased to say he is more outgoing and active now but still loves Fireman Sam or City of Friends. 

Squish on the other hand, is a total tv addict.  He will watch films back to back if he can get away with it! I am not sure if this is escapism for him as it's the only time Chaos leaves him alone, poor boy. I have also noticed he asks to watch tv if he is tired,  then falls asleep watching it. I realise this isn't ideal but Chaos can be relentless in his persuit for attention so it gives my Squish a much needed break! 

Personally,  I don't have a problem with kids watching tv as long as it's in moderation. Mine probably watch half an hour a day, at least. I do have an issue with people who put the tv on and leave their kids there while they busy themselves for most of the day. I have known a few people with stairgates up so their kids can't even get away from the tv! They were not friends of mine I hasten to add. 

How much tv do you watch? Are you a tele addict?! 


  1. I think that TV is fine if like you say it is in moderation. If I was single I would probably not have a TV as you can watch most shows online now so if there was something that I really wanted to watch I could do so but my hubby and kids are huge fans of TV and would go mad if we didn't have one! #ThePrompt

  2. As you say, everything in moderation, and monitored! We do have days where the TV is on a bit too much, but they are more than balanced by days where it's not on at all! There are some really good kids programmes, and I do check what they are watching (especially the 8yo as he will go off and do his own thing...!). Hubby and I watch virtually no live TV, so I suspect that we could live without cable, but the boys would protest greatly :) Thanks so much for linking to #ThePrompt xx

  3. Totally agree. Good post!


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