Thursday 26 April 2012

Proud Mummy Moments #2

Oh my, what a proud week I've had!

There have been so many moments this week that I have been so proud of my boys. Here are a few:

The Big One had a great school report this term. His results have improved so much since the last one. He is really trying hard and is finally settled at school. He has coped so well with the changes within our family and moving, I couldn't be more proud of him. Also, the Olympic Torch is coming to his school and the group with the most house points will get their photo taken with the torch. He has been working hard to get more points so he can see the torch.

Chaos is really coming on with his words now. He came into the kitchen the other day and said "Mummy, Baby Aaaarrgh" (meaning Squish was crying) so clever to make me understand from the amount of words he knows. 

My Squish has made me very proud this week. Last Sunday he rolled onto his tummy all by himself. He did that several times and even managed to roll back as well. Last night he had rolled over and was tucking his knees under him and pushing himself along the floor caterpillar style. Not bad for 4 months eh?!
He is the most amazing baby. He has infinite patience and rarely cries. He has a smile for everyone and is my ray of sunshine. My little Squishy baby :) x


  1. Yea! What great things all around. So awesome that the Big One is doing so well in school. And very impressive for four months old.
    Thank you so much for linking up. All perfect PMM!!

  2. It sounds like a great week. Congratulations on all the proud moments!

    Thanks for linking up with Emmy and me.


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