Tuesday 1 May 2012

10 Things To Smile About: April

Linking up with Emmy Mom for the first time to share my 10 things to smile about in April.

I can't believe we are into May already! 
These are my best bits from April in no particular order

1. My birthday - My husband organised a surprise meal with some of my best friends. It was a great night and I really enjoyed it. We went to Jimmy Spices and tried lots of new food. I also had a cocktail pitcher "Sex on the Beach" if you please....  
 My husband isn't usually THAT white, I don't think the flash agreed with him!

2.My Bestest Buddy - He managed to wangle some time off work so he could come and stay for my birthday. It was great spending some time with him. We used to see each other every day at work or days off but he lives in London now so it's a bit harder to catch up. Was a great weekend and the boys love him! 

3. My Blog! - Having an outlet for my daily thoughts has been so therapeutic for me, I'm sure it has been one of the main things that has helped me with pnd. I haven't done a personal post since Thursday and I've really missed it. I love coming on every day and seeing what everyone has been up to. I find it unbelievable that people read what I say but I have a band of followers too! WoW! Everyone who has read, followed and posted comments have all had a part in my slow recovery so I thank you all. You have all laid a brick of self confidence for me and I can't tell you how great that feel after feeling so bad for so long! 

4. Hair Loss - We made the big decision for Chaos to cut off  his beautiful curls. He was good as gold and now looks most definitely male! 


5. The Garden - After 4 years of having no garden in our old house, we are now able to get out and enjoy our garden at last! The warm weather has been great and it has been brilliant to just open the back door and watch Chaos pottering about, getting filthy. Squish Pot likes sitting under the trees and watching the branches sway in the breeze. I just love being outside, even if I'm just clearing up after the dog!

6. Squishy - He can now roll over onto his tummy which is brilliant. He is also trying to sit up but doesn't keep his feet still so pushes himself over. He is an amazing little chap and I love that just the mention of his name earns you a beaming smile brighter than the sun. He is Delicious!!

7. Brothers - It has been lovely to watch the bond between Chaos and Squish grow over the last few weeks. Chaos is talking a lot more now and gets most concerned about his little brother. If Squish cries while I'm out of the room, Chaos comes running out saying " Mummy, Baby Aaargh!". He is always kissing him (the cute open mouth baby kisses) and has also started asking for hugs with Squish a lot more. I took this the other day and it's just adorable!

8. The Big One - Every term we have a student report sent home and this month was brilliant! He has been putting in more effort so has moved up a level in several subjects. Even his predicted grades have gone up. He also had a certificate of attendance for this term as he has had so few days off. He makes me so proud! 

9. My Husband - Just because he's there. Always.

10. Little White Pills - You may think this is an odd one to add but I wouldn't have a single sodding thing to put on this list if I was still under the dark pnd cloud. I am so grateful to be almost back to my old self again, I can't tell you! For a while there I thought I was gone for good but now I'm BACK and loving every second (except the lack of sleep!)

1 comment:

  1. So happy that you are doing better. And yes, it is cathartic and wonderful to have a place to write and share and get support.

    Your husband was closest to the camera so he got all the flash :)
    Oh that curl picture makes me sad as one of these days I know I will have to do the same with my toddler's curls. I love love his curls.
    Thank you so much for linking up!


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