Sunday 24 June 2012

Chaos in the Kitchen

I don't do a lot of cooking/baking other than the necessary. Mainly because I don't get the time but I have also developed a short attention span so forget things are in the oven! I have recently been brave enough to attempt cupcakes twice in the last week.... With Chaos! Here's how it went.

Our cooking adventure in pictures.

We got everything ready and Chaos made a grab for the chocolate  sprinkles.

Adding water to the mixture

He put all the cases on the tray

There go the marshmallows

Some of the mixture went in the cases, honest!

Adding chocolate sprinkles

Sticky fingers!

Eating the last marshmallow

Ummm... Get down young man!!
Hmm... Adding marshmallows = bad idea!

Second attempt at edible cakes

Spooning out the mixture

Some went in the cake cases

Some ended up all over Chaos!

Yay! Much better :)

The finished cup cakes

What did Chaos think of his cakes? Have a guess......

In case you couldn't tell, he loved them and is now constantly asking for "CAKE!"


  1. Aww bless him. Didn't he do well :)

  2. Fab! Love 'there go the marshmallows' - we can barely bake anything without my son scoffing half and/or licking it all over... yum.


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