Friday 13 July 2012

Reasons to be Proud and Cheerful

Reasons to be Cheerful at Mummy from the Heart

As I am a bit late for both link ups this week I thought I would do a joint post as they are about the same things. I don't know where I'd be if I didn't have my live in comedians to brighten my day. Here are this weeks antics..

My husband came home from work the other day and asked how the boys had been. Squish had been teething and constantly crying for comfort all day. Chaos seeing his opportunity for mischief while I was busy with Squish, had been a bit of a pain and doing all the things he knows he shouldn't. As (I thought) we were out of earshot I told my husband Chaos had been " a bit of a bugger" and then carried on about the rest of our day.
A few minutes later we went in to the boys room and Chaos was playing with some toys including a monkey. He went through saying what they all were cow, doggy, ort (horse) and monkey. I asked him "What are you?" as I call him a little monkey when he is up to no good. He replied "Bugger Monkey"  I'm afraid we both just laughed and laughed.

In other news Squish Pot is perfecting his Commando Crawl and has ventured out of the sitting room, across the hall and into the dinning room. Bless him. He has also been practicing "Buba buba" and the occasional "Mummm", which is my personal favourite!

I took them both shopping in Bath yesterday for a couple of hours. Not only did they behave beautifully (Chaos didn't pull a single thing off the shelves!) but they had praise from at least one person in EVERY shop we went in. How proud of my little beauties am I?! I thought I would burst on my way home. I'm glad its not just me who thinks they are flippin' marvelous!!


  1. Ohh I love it when you are out and peopel comment on how good your kids are, a definate proud Mummy moment. Mich x

  2. Great post - I think I want to be a Bugger Monkey when I grow up, whatever one of those is!

  3. Ooh Bath's not far from me at all! A good shopping trip is always a proud moment! LOL @ bugger monkey xx


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