Monday, 24 September 2012

My Super Mums

This post is inspired by the SuperMum theme over at Story of Mum this month. Being away during the all important Twitter Twidoodle, I feel I should share my admiration for three wonderful ladies in a slightly different way, For they are all SUPER MUMS and SUPER FRIENDS!!

These ladies have all come to mean a lot to me. They have made my day so often and listened to my moans. They have also shared ideas and opinions about all sorts of things, which have helped me immensely. I am not sure if they know quite how wonderful they are so I feel I should embarrass them all and tell you!
In order of meeting them, first up is...

I found Nat's blog and loved it. I think it is the first one I followed and I logged on to read daily before anything else. Having had the Big One at a similar age, I could relate to a lot of what she was saying. Reading her blog also reminded me a lot of me back then. I love it and it is still the first blog I read every day!
Natalie was the first person to acknowledge my Motivation on Monday posts and put a link to my blog in one of her posts. I remember bouncing round the room startling my poor husband!
I was most flattered when she asked if I would write a guest post for her blog. Me the dopey Div with pnd, contaminating a fabulous blog.. Errrm ok.
I now consider it an honour to have this lovely lady as one of my friends.
As for Mummyingness... Fabulous!
I recognize the fiercely protective instincts when riled, the total awe, pride and excitement with each new achievement, the guilt and concern over making the right decisions all wrapped up with great humour and artistic talent. Super Mum? Oh yes! x

I discovered Hannah through Twitter and was hugely delighted when she asked if I would be interested in doing a Mug Swap. Having no idea these things existed but loving snail mail I instantly agreed. I loved the excitement of buying a gift for someone. I couldn't  find the mug I wanted to get so I took a chance and it paid off. In return I received THE most thoughtful gift I have ever been given - honestly. Hannah sent me a mug covered in photos of my three boys and I really, really love it! (I nearly took it on holiday but didn't want it to get broken in the car!) That sums up this lovely lady perfectly. She is the kindest and most thoughtful person with a heart of gold. 
My hermit crab died recently and I was quite upset about it. I was further saddened that nobody in the house had mentioned his absence. Following a Tweet about this, Hannah sent me a gorgeous, furry orange crab to keep me company. He has boggly eyes and a huge grin which makes me smile whenever I see him. 
Being another crafty lady, she also oozes creativity and culinary magic, wrapped in bright colours and bunting!
With a strong sense of family, Hannah would do anything for anyone. I get the feeling she is always on the look out for the next gift to cheer someone up. Making things for her little ones, the latest of which is a chalk board on the end of the kitchen unit - genius!
Genuine, beautiful and a heart of gold would be my description of this amazing lady.

The very wonderful Pippa and her own super mum, Penny. Another fabulous Twitter discovery for me.  I have enjoyed several #somum nights on twitter and the fantastic encouragement and support these ladies give to everyone. They are an inspiration to their children and other Mums alike. Having been involved in the Love Mum Body month, I have a totally new, more positive opinion of myself and that is all thanks to the support from these ladies. I love being a part of this Mum appreciation group and with promote it anyway I can! Thank you for everything ladies x

If you are yet unacquainted with these ladies, I urge you to pop over to their blogs and introduce yourself. You with be heartily welcomed and definitely not disappointed!


  1. Haha, you are truly crackers saying that stuff about me(already MRS) but I wouldn't have you any other way :) And I am extremely grateful for all the lovely things you say :) It's so nice to have somebody to talk to without restraint and fear of being judged due to circumstance (like say, my friends here do). I've missed you the past couple of weeks as we've both been a little pre occupied, what with hols and proposals and all that crazy, but I shall be bombarding your inbox very soon *nods* xx

    1. Have missed you too lovely. Will look forward to inbox abuse very soon then :o) xxxx

  2. Thank you for those very very kind words Kat you've made my morning! You know you're my supermum already :) and I couldn't agree more about #somum it has been such a wonderful creation by Pippa and penny I love it :) xxxx

  3. I do like Natalie's blog-- haven't heard of the other two, will have to check out their blogs


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