Tuesday, 2 October 2012


I haven't heard from someone in a while so I thought I'd write them a letter...

Dear Me,

Where did you go?! I know things have been tough lately and I can understand you needing some space but you've been gone AGES!! I miss you. We used to have a laugh and do some crazy stuff. Everything was so much more fun when I was with you and I miss that. I really miss that! I used to bounce out of bed, excited about the day ahead but I know it's not going to be like that since you've gone. Each day is a real struggle and I start each one looking forward to the end, when I can crawl back into bed under the covers and forget about everything.

I miss your smile too. And your weird cackley laugh. And the stupid faces you pull all the time. And the way you just jump up and say stuff like "Right, let's paint the kitchen yellow" even though it was 10pm! And we did it, screeching along to the choons on your ipod (or pea pod, you call it). We've walked the dog at 1am, we've watched films through the night, we've had little fires in the garden just to watch the flames and trips to Tesco in slippers to get some more Jellies or Ice Cream (Ben and Jerrys - of course!)

I've tried to do things we used to do. Yesterday, I painted a big snake with Chaos for his party. It was great to spend time with him and it was fun. There was something missing though, that was you. I have loads of ideas for things to do but I don't quite start them. I guess I know it won't be the same. I didn't realise your effect on me before, you are a part of everything I do. Sometimes, I didn't even realise you were there. We just gelled, I guess, like one whole person. It never even crossed my mind that you could leave, that you could go somewhere without me, that we wouldn't always be together, that you could make the world a darker place by leaving me behind. Just goes to show how much you shine when you're with me. You make the sun come out every day and everything is so much brighter. You make me feel YELLOW!  

 Life just isn't the same without you so please come back

We have stuff to do, you know! There are things that I just CAN'T do without you. We have a party to organise. It's gonna be AMAZING! I've got so many ideas but they need your finishing touches. We have wallpaper to strip, a bootsale to do, MANY presents to buy (YAY!), letters to write, games to invent for the boys, cakes to bake - Ooooh Birthday Cake too! You can't seriously expect me to pull all this off on my own? Come on, you're amazing! Stop bunking off and lets get this shit done.
First things first - Get a fucking haircut!! 

Get some sleep and I'll see you in the morning, Slacker!

p.s. Love You x


  1. I hope you can get you back-- it is hard when things just aren't right.

  2. As you know I sometimes feel like I am missing in action too, so I sympathise! We will be more back to ourselves soon- I can directly correlate how I feel with how much sleep I have had- tired plays such a big part in my moods! You are fabulous! Xx


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