Friday 12 April 2013

Killing Me Softly....

I got sent home from work today. Not because I was naughty but because I was ill. I think I have hit the wall and feel totally shattered. Over the past week the boys have all been ill. Chaos is really poorly with croup that just wont go. Big has had ear ache and then a perforated eardrum, which is excruciating. Squish has got 4 molars coming through and seems to be developing a cough like Chaos. This has resulted in me getting very little sleep so I have been hit with a nasty cold that I can't shift. Added to my increased number of hours at work and I am just about really to fall over! 

I have been so consumed with trying to cover the other staff absences to relieve the pressure from others. Trying to compile a training manual for work. Starting an NVQ3. Trying to spend time with them by staying up with my poor boys at night and doing a post here and there that it has been wearing me down quietly. Without me noticing the gradual lack of energy, I have blindly wandered into a black hole and feel totally depleted in all departments. 

I am going to fight the urge to go in tomorrow and stay home to rest. I know they will be short staffed which I hate being responsible for. I think if I don't stop now I will be really ill. I knew today wasn't good when I cried leaving the boys on the way to work. I was a bit over emotional all day really, swinging between crying and getting a bit stroppy. I kept having hot sweats too. The tipping point came when my husband rang and just the sound of his voice made me cry. I knew then I wanted to be at home so I asked him to come and get me. 

With that in mind I'm off to bed! Catch ya when I wake up x


  1. Huge hugs Kat. I hope all the boys get better real soon. Stick them in the bathroom with a load of steam and vicks. Put vicks on their feet at night and cover with socks it's amzing honestly! Won't solve everything over night but may help eventually.
    Remember Kat, as lovely as you are you ain't SuperWoman. You can't possibly cover all those shifts and it isn't fair.Even if you're not being made to you shouldn't be allowed to. You need to rest up and think of yourself.
    I hope Big gets over his horrid ear problem. More hugs lovely xxxx
    ps Fancy a mug swap in May? Still have your details if you do but no pressure, i know how busy you are hun. REST!! xx

  2. Agree with everything Hannah has said. xxx

  3. I agree with all Hannah says too.

    My mum's best piece of advice to me EVER is 'Make sure you look after O & R's mummy, because they need you'. So I'm passing that on - you need to take care of yourself, and preferably without guilt!

    Much love to you and really hoping you start to feel a bit better soon. Put your feet up xxx


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