Wednesday 12 March 2014

Sleep Training - Night Two

Oh, it's early! Today started at 6am. I don't normally mind that if I have a full nights sleep before hand. I can be up and ready to go with the boys. Not today though. Today I'm shattered. The little footsteps came closer and the little voice said "Mummy, I want to go downstairs." It was still dark. The feint glow from my watch told me it was just before 6am. Sitting up, I felt dizzy and sick. My head thumps rhythmically. How am I going to make it through the day? flitters through my mind. 

Once downstairs, I fulfill all of Squishs demands. Light on, play George the Curious Monkey and look through his favourite cookbook. It is only at this point I realise, it's working. Ok, I know it's only the second night but I can see an improvement. He woke up at 11:30pm last night, had a big old scream and came in to me. I took him back to bed and explained again that he sleeps in his bed and I sleep in mine. He laid down quietly and must have dosed off for a while. 12:30am and he was up again. This time he was trying to get into my bed. He was screaming so much he woke up Chaos, who also came wandering in to my room.

 I managed to get them both back to their room fairly easily. Squish Sat on his bed while I settled Chaos back into bed. He loves his sleep and was more than happy to snuggle down under his duvet. Squish started to cry again when I tried to settle him down. He screamed in my face whenever I  tried to talk to him so I'm afraid I told him off. He stopped then, thankfully! I gave him a cuddle and explained that sleep was important and we need to get as much sleep as we can. I told him I would be in my bed, I wasn't going anywhere and I would see him in the morning. He curled up in his bed and looked quite settled. Gingerly I went back to my room and hoped for the best.

He didn't come in again until 6am. As totally shattered as I am, I can still recognize this as progress. Waking up twice  before 1am is pretty good. At least I've had 5 hours unbroken sleep. I shall definitely be having a nap with them later or I don't think I'll make it through the day! I am feeling quite hopeful about sleeping tonight and I hope this progress continues. Maybe in a week he will be sleeping through. I know it takes perseverance and I'm gonna really try to stick with it or we will be back to square one.

1 comment:

  1. well done for progress so far, you may be shattered, but it wont be for long. x x


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