Wednesday 10 December 2014

So I've Met A Guy.....

I met someone today. His name is, well, let's call him "J". We met by the cash point in town. He commented on some writing on the pavement and we just got chatting. I didn't realise at the time but some people can change your perception of everything in a short amount of time. He changed mine...

J is like no one I've ever met before and I can say that honestly. I know that because J is homeless.

Somebody had written on the pavement about a missing person in marker pen right where he normally sits. It looked like childs writing with bad spelling. J was complaining that everyone would think it was him. After a while of sitting with him I could see what he meant. Everyone read it on their way past and glanced at him so I parked my buggy on it.

I sat with J for over half an hour. I don't know what the weather was like where you are but today was windy and freezing here. I felt quite warm when I sat down next to J but it wasn't long before the wind got to me and I started to really feel the cold. It was that that actually made me leave.

I asked J how he had ended up here and he told me how his marriage had broken down so he got a flat. He was working at a factory and broke his leg badly, needing plates. Meaning he couldn't work for the best part of a year. When he did go back they asked for a letter from the surgeon to say he was fit for work. As he needed a further operation, they made him redundant as they couldn't afford him that amount of time off again. Unable to find a job, he got behind on the rent and bills so he lost his flat. He has been on the streets since June this year.

He has a few friends who help him out occasionally but he cant stay with them all the time. I asked him what he was going to do but he couldn't answer. I could tell the situation upset him so I didn't press him to talk about it.

Sitting there with him in the freezing cold, seeing the scathing looks he/we were getting and knowing how awful sleeping out in March was (I slept out in a park to raise money for Julian House) I offered him the use of my yurt. I realise it was a spur of the moment decision and possibly not one of my better ones from a safety point of view. I just wanted to help this guy and make a difference to his situation rather than just throwing him a few quid for a burger.

I gave him my number and he said he'd give me a call. He was very grateful for the offer but I could tell he was reluctant to take it up. I didnt press him. As bad as I felt leaving him there I couldn't bear the cold any longer. I gave him some money and a huge hug. I had a lovely chat with him and I really hope he gets on ok.

When I got home I was quite surprised at the strength of reaction I had from other people. Don't get me wrong, I realise why. I was really upset by it to be honest. I understand that inviting a stranger to live at the bottom of the garden isn't a regular occurrence and unwise with small children in the house. At the same time I was deeply upset that this is what we have become. A society so let by fear that we are unable to help others in need. Offering someone with nothing a meal and shelter and classing it as an irresponsible act honestly made me cry. Not about this guy in particular but at the whole situation and how seperated we have all become.

If somebody you didn't know smiled at you and said "Hello" the chances are you would think "hmm, bit odd". That is how sad we have become. I find it heartbreaking. I feel like this is a society I don't really want to be a part of. I am lead by love not fear. I have an overwhelming urge to help people. I would give someone my last pound or the shirt off my back if I thought it would make their situation better. I can't help it. I feel blessed that I have a house, food on the table and my kids around me. What more do I need? Everything else is just stuff. Everything else is replaceable so why not give it to someone in greater need of it? I have always felt that as a species, we all have a responsibility to look out for each other. What makes one person more worthy of our care than another? If somebody needs help, why should it matter if we know them or not. If we are able to improve their situation why should we have to give it a second thought?!

Obviously, I know why. It just makes me very sad in my heart that I can't be the person I would like to be in a world that I would like to live.

1 comment:

  1. This is such a touching post!
    It's awful how we all judge, I'm
    Guilty of it as in Brighton many are homeless due to drugs and drink but I shouldn't assume they all are!
    Good on you for trying to help no matter what others think!


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