Friday 30 March 2012

Today is a Jelly Day... Day 30

We had the most amazing day yesterday at Longleat Safari Park! The weather was gorgeous and I felt truly spoilt  We drove round the safari park at a leisurely pace. A bit too leisurely in the monkey enclosure! (We need a new washer jet and ariel)

We spent a while in the deer park feeding the deer through the car windows. They are so bold and stick their heads right in, it's amazing! Chaos loved feeding the "Doggies" the look on his little face was priceless. (Will try to add a few pics later) We spent a while looking at the Lions. So long in fact that a huge queue formed behind us. I was oblivious to holding up the whole park and happily taking tons of photos. I felt quite embarrassed when I realised what had happened and swiftly moved on!
We had some lunch in the cafe and went off round the jungle world. We let Chaos out of the buggy and he was off! No stopping him. In the stream, splashing in the butterfly pool, stoking snakes, poking chipmunks, hiding in bamboo and squawking at the parrots, You name it, he did it, or at least he tried! He had a great day. We will have to go back and do the non animal things with him. Maybe we could lose him in the maze.....
We were all totally shattered by the time we got home and the boys had tea, a bath and their milk then went off to bed quite happily. We had decided to have a night off blogging so we settled down with a curry and watched a DVD. The Big One went off to bed after getting his cooking stuff ready. Us old folk dozed off for a bit before shaking our heads and heading off to bed for an early night!

That would probably explain why I'm feeling a bit ropy today. I've got the sweats and shakes again and I feel a bit sick. I've got a stiff neck and my back aches. My head feels like its stuffed with cotton wool so I'm not great at thinking today (so no change there really!). It always amazes me how I can have such a great day with no problems followed by a day of feeling really quite rough. I was planning to do some house work today but I'm not going to stress about it. I've put some of the endless piles of clothes away and loaded the washing machine but that may well be it for now. I boiled the kettle to make tea but I think it's gone cold again now. I was trying to remember how to do the link for the R2BC (R2BC @ Mummy From The Heart) blog hop and forgot about tea. Told you I was a bit slow today!!

Enough bloody moaning, I'm depressing myself ha ha!!

I am still working out the details of my fundraising challenge. I'm trying to choose which charity the money should go to. I think it's a bit late now to do something for sport relief. I would like to donate some to a charity that helps African children as I feel strongly about the suffering out there. A the moment I am leaning towards Unicef. ( realise they don't just help people in Africa, they help children all over the world.
I also thought about helping the MIND charity ( for people with mental health issues. I know what life is like for me and my family but there are people with far worse conditions than me and I really feel for them.
Yep, I think I will go with those two. Children and mental health are both a huge part of my life and anything I can do to help ease their suffering will also help to ease mine.

This weekend I will work a bit more on a plan of what I'm going to do and share it with you on Monday. (Ooooh Motivation on Monday! What a great day to start up. I really hope I manage to get the links right so it works for everyone!)
Right now I must away and feed my little Squish before his big brother wakes up and causes more Chaos....

Have a fantastic weekend folks! Enjoy the sun and don't let the shadows get ya x

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