Tuesday 24 April 2012

Proceed with Caution..... Day 53

I didn't blog yesterday as I was very busy having the day from hell. Both my babies are poorly and had me running around after them like a loon. It's bad enough watching one little one suffer but when they are both down it's awful.

Sunday night was a very long affair. We went to bed at 10pm (very early for us!) and I had a feeling we were in for a rough one when Squish woke up at 11.30pm. Then again at 1.30am. Then my husband fed him at 3am and put him back to bed. He was still chatting/ shouting at 4am so I brought him into our bed just to shut him up really (yes tut tut, I know). 4.30am he was asleep so I waited an extra 5 minutes just to be sure. With expert stealth and a finger light touch I got him back in his cot without waking him up. Next game of hunt the dummy was just after 5am so by 6am I gave up and brought him downstairs so the others could sleep on.

He carried on shouting most of the day and didn't sleep much, which is very unlike him. By lunchtime I couldn't leave him without him crying. I had to hold his hand or cuddle him. I talked to my husband on the phone and he couldn't believe he was crying let alone just because I let go of his hand! I gave him some Calpol as he was obviously hurting somewhere. Within 20 minutes he was almost back to normal. I had already made him an appointment so I took him down to see the nurse and she said his ear was quite pink. Not enough to need anti biotics but enough to be sore, so regular Calpol for him. Touch wood, he seems better but he was up for a couple of hours in the night. Lets hope he catches up today.

Chaos, not one to miss out on the attention, has had the runs something rotten. Poor lad is a bit drippy and whiny so he's obviously feeling rough. He just wants cuddles all the time too, which isn't like him. He is off his food again so if he had put on any weight in the last week he has probably just lost it all again. (Can't wait for the weigh in next week - I can feel a lecture coming on already) I know I moan about him quite a bit but I love him to bits. He is so full of life, energy and smiles it is really awful when he isn't well. He is like a totally different child and I miss my Chaos. 

Today, they are both worn out and back in their beds already. I don't mind. It means I can catch up on the housework I missed yesterday (which obviously involves blogging!). I plan to go really fast to make up for it, teehee! Oh I should also do my exercises as well. Erm.. and maybe put the jellie tin away. Maybe I should just eat them all then not buy any more. I am pretty useless at moderating myself. I might just go for a run later instead. 

Better go and DO something rather than sitting here. Have a great day y'all x

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