Thursday 17 May 2012

17 May Blog Challenge

My Proudest Moment...

Well, obviously having my three boys and getting married are top of the list. I really wanted this post to be about me though. That may sound a little selfish but once I had the boys and got married I became driven by them as I feel they are more important. I thought really hard about things I have done that I am proud of and this is what I came up with....

Yes, This is what the bottom of my washing basket looks like. You are all very privileged as very few have seen it. It only occurs during certain planetary alignments when the cow overtook the flying pig by orbiting the moon!!  
Sadly, this was all I could think of.

Until today!
My Pony Days
These are photos of me on my horse, Monty, just after having my first son. We were doing a 30 mile Bronze Buckle Endurance Ride and I loved every second of it. We finished in good time and we got a great score for his recovery. I really miss him and hope he has had a great life. The Big One used to sit on his back while Monts ate his tea. He used to follow me round like a big dog. When I couldn't ride I put the Big One in his carrier and we used to go for walks, the three of us. He was a horse in a million and I loved him more than anything... almost.                           The other horse belonged to a friend and I did a lot of jumping with him. He was 19yrs old and a retired Grade B show jumper called Malino. He was 17.3HH (5ft 9 at the shoulder) and grumpy so we used to call him the dinosaur! He was brilliant and taught me a lot, bless him. The jumps look tiny as he was so big but the hedge in the bottom photo was nearly 4ft and I'm quite glad you can't see my face. That's the highest I ever jumped and wouldn't have done it with any other horse! 

 This is the Big Ones room in our first house. I was so pleased with this wall. It took me ages to do and find the right clock. He loved it too. We put his cot against it so he could count the fish. He used to rip pictures off the wall so I thought this was the best solution.

 The next thing would be photography. I love taking photos of all sorts. These are some of the ones we have up at the moment. Loch Ken in Scotland at sunset, Chaos looking adorable on Bonfire night last year, My Girl looning through the woods and a wolf that came to college a few years ago. I was asked by a friend of mine to be the official photographer for a horse event he was organising. That was a very proud moment and I cried when I told my Mum. Yes, people actually paid me for the pictures I took!!

 While I was at college we had to do a work placement for 4 weeks. As I was slightly older than most of my group, I had already done kennels, zoos and pet shops so I wanted something a bit different.
How about a 4 week conservation course in South Africa?
I raised the money and borrowed a bit, paid for my ticket and visa and set off for my great adventure. It was amazing and I loved every second. The worst part was having to leave my boy behind, I would have taken him in a heartbeat and found out while I was there that he could have come and gone to the local school - gutted!! I leanrt so much and was truly humbled by some of the things I saw. I can't describe it but you feel these people in your heart. They are amazing and inspiring.

Having my own businesses. That was pretty cool at 24! My Dad helped me a lot and was really my unpaid accountant. He helped me with tax returns and all sorts of other advice. From uniform, logos, marketing and organisation. I would have totally arsed it up if it wasn't for him. Yes, he is my all time hero!!
I had a business doing Shiatsu for Horses and relief yard work. It was great and I loved it. The problem was it shifted from being a passion to being a necessity. Each client stopped being someone I could help and became another bill I could pay so I stopped doing it and moved to Cyprus!!
I was a last resort for one horse. The owner said she had tried everything the vet had suggested with no luck. She was looking for the number to have her horse put down and saw one of my adverts. I came and saw her. The horse was lovely but couldn't be ridden safely. After having a strong reaction to the session, I advised her to get a chiropractors opinion. Turns out she had a twisted vertebrae. Needless to say it was a life saving outcome!
I also trained in the Metamorphic Technique and began practicing when I was pregnant with Chaos. I had to stop as I had SPD quite badly and was on crutches so I couldn't sit for long enough to finish a session. I will probably go back to it though as it's flexible and the money is pretty good!


Today, I was sat in the boys room and they were both busy playing with their toys. I suddenly felt like the worst is over. Since having Squish I have felt totally overwhelmed, under pressure and totally unable to cope. Having two so close together is ridiculously, fecking hard work only to be undertaken by the hyperactive or totally insane (I am obviously the later!).
We are trying to sort all the clothes and toys at once
Not even remotely clever or funny!!
I realised today that Squish is nearly able to sit by himself. This means he wont need me to support him while he plays with toys all the time. While I don't really want him to grow up too fast, I realise my life is about to get a bit easier.

The last 6 months or so has been very tough and today is the first time I have seen the light. I have fought my way through all those really shitty days where I wanted to hide under my duvets force field, the days where I spent most of it crying, wailing or shouting in almost equal measures, of wanting to pack my case and run away, of feeling completely useless and a failure. Now I'm ok. I realise I am still going to have tough days, today hasn't been great which is why I'm late posting, but now I know it's not every day. Some days are pretty good and others are awesome!

We are all still in one piece, in one house, in one crazy, happy, wonderful family and I wouldn't have it any other way. So, here is my proudest moment. Right now. I have achieved all these things, had 3 wonderful boys, married the most amazing man and survived PND so from here on, it's all a bonus x

1 comment:

  1. Great list of reasons to be proud.

    What an adventure going to Africa!

    I too have suffered from PND, hugs :)


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