Thursday 31 May 2012

31 May Blog Challenge

Why Do I Blog....

I started blogging to unravel some of the scrambled thoughts that were buzzing round in my head. It helped me immensely. It was something I had to do every day. I used to constantly be thinking about what I would say next. Not for people to read just to air it and get it out of my head. As soon as the boys were asleep I would grab a cuppa and type like a loon. I never imagined that anyone would actually read it, let alone comment!

Now I am feeling much brighter these days and as much as I would still love to spend more time blogging, my boys have decided not to sleep at the same time anymore so I can only get on here in the evening. That is why I am typing this post at 12.35am!

I started a weekly post called Motivation on Monday (I found Mondays hard when my husband and eldest son went back to work) to try to focus on positive thoughts. It was a blog hop but nobody joined in so I just do it as a weekly post now. I love joining in other blog hops. As well as sharing great ideas or news, it is a great way to find new blogs.

I have a Photo Blog which has some of my better pictures on it. I love taking pictures and I really love my new camera. Pop over and see what you think, comments welcome as always.

I would like to thank Emma at this point for hosting such a great challenge. It has been brilliant reading through all the other posts and finding new blogs. It has really made me think and I have thoroughly enjoyed it. I even took my laptop so I could post while I was away for the weekend!
Thank you Emma!

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