Thursday 31 May 2012

Proud Mummy Momento!

Oh So Proud!

We went to a family gathering at the weekend. For most of the family, it was the first time they met my little boys and a good few years since they saw the Big One. I had nothing but lovely comments about how polite and sociable they are, how happy Squish Pot is and how gorgeous they all are. Oh so proud! 

The Big One playing volleyball

Little Chaos at the food table

Squish Pot being Gorgeously Squishy!

I can't tell you how proud I am to have such wonderful praise for my lovely boys.
Maybe I'm not so biased after all!! 


  1. Yea! So awesome and wonderful when they behave so well at things like this. Great PMM! Thanks for linking up

  2. It's so awesome when you can go somewhere and get praised for your kids. I just love that feeling and try to return the favor when I see other kids behaving nicely in public.

    Thanks for linking up with Emmy and me!


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