Tuesday 1 May 2012

Squish Pot Is 5 Months Old!

My tiny little Squishy is 5 months old today! I thought I would write a post to mark the occasion.
Love you, my little Squish Pot, you're the most AMAZING baby! xxx

1st December 2011.
Here is my tiny Squish, all fresh and new. He's got his little fists up ready to take on the world! As you can see from the newborn nappy next to him, he was diddy! None of the newborn clothes we had fit him properly. He was just a tiny perfect bundle.


How he grew! This is Squish at 2 months. Needless to say, he didn't stay tiny for long. He grew out of his newborn clothes, then out of 0-3 month clothes, 3-6 month clothes are becoming a thing of the past as he is now starting to fit into 6-9 month things!!

I absolutely LOVE this photo! My two blue eyed boys! Squish was about 3 months old here. The Big One is the Best big brother ever. He loves his little brothers to bits. He has a lovely bond with Squish, he gives him his bottle and winds him or just plays with him while I do dinner. Squishys little face lights up whenever he sees him.

This is Squishy at 4 months when he had just started rolling over on his tummy. He doesn't do it that often but I'm sure he is just building up his strength. He doesn't like stitting and will push himself upright if you sit him on your lap. He prefers to stand so he can see more, I think. He is always chewing and dribling so I'm sure he is teething . I got him this teether and he loves it!

This was my crazy, happy Squish Pot yesterday! He is just adorable. I hope you notice in all the photos that he is smiling. (I realise people don't usually post screaming baby photos) He smiles all the time. That's the most amazing thing about Squish. He doesn't cry. He has a moan to let you know he's hungry, has dirty pants or would like a sleep but that's it. He is the most wonderful boy and an absolute treasure! I love him to pieces and I am so lucky to have him.

Happy 5 months Squishy! Love Mum xxx

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