Monday 7 May 2012

Spankin' Bank Holiday..... Day 66

It's Bank Holiday Monday! I get another day with us all together - Yay! I love it when we are all home. I will admit some days are a bit of a struggle but that happens with everything.

I got up with Squish at 5.30 so my husband could have a lie in. (He has trouble sleeping these days so needs all he can get.) We came downstairs and watched last nights episode of The Voice. I love it and Squish loves smiling at all the faces when they do close ups, he is sooo cute! I love having some time to spend just with him. (he is asleep again now - I'm not ignoring him!) he has such a cheerful nature you can't help but smile. He is such a happy, contented baby, he is just a joy and I love him to bits. He is coming on so fast it's scary. Since last weekend he has been rolling over and just starting to roll back again. Last night he tucked his little knees under himself and pushed his way across the rug. He had porridge for the first time yesterday and loved it. He didn't spit/dribble any of it! Gonna love his grub this one! It seems to be going so fast all of a sudden. Last week we were mooching along and now it feels like it's all changed. 

Chaos seems to be different too. He seems to understand "No" all of a sudden. He will leave things alone when he is asked to which he has never done before. He is so loving towards little Squish too. He has always given him kisses but clumsy, crushing ones. Now he lies next to him watching tv or gives him his prized Piggle Bear (Iggle Piggle) if he is crying. He gets a cloth if he is sick or his dummy if he wants it. He is so sweet, I couldn't ask for more wonderful brothers so long may it last!

The Big One has come down and put on Tracy Fucking Beaker. If ever a girl needed a one way trip to a firing range, it's her. Bloody annoying, whining diva. Grrrr! I sense this post may be a short one so I can escape the whine!

On a positive note. We finished the trampoline yesterday! It seems the hole we dug underneath was rather misjudged and is deeper than it needs to be. We are just hoping that Chaos doesn't discover the enticing pit underneath and venture in. He won't hurt himself, it's not THAT deep but it will mean taking the whole thing up to get him out! I can't wait to take him out there later and see what he thinks. Will have camera at the ready of course.

This is our garden so far. We have dug up the concrete path that ran up the middle and used the turf from under the trampoline to fill the gap. The grass is a bit lighter but looks like it will last ok. We have taken the legs off the trampoline so it is low enough for Chaos to get on and not get hurt if he falls off. I can't wait to see his face later. Will post a pic or two tomorrow! 
I am pleased the garden is starting to take shape. I have dug up the half million Dandylions so the grass looks much better. It needs cutting again after all the rain. I LOVE being out there after having no garden for the last 4 years, it's heaven.

Saying that, I'm off to get dressed and get back out there before it rains again! Laters y'all x

1 comment:

  1. Oh not looking forward to preteen and teen years as my daughter is already drama!
    Nice you got the day off.


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