Monday 25 June 2012


Here we are at Monday again. The weekend seems to go so fast, I blink and miss it. Mind you, that happens with sleep too. Am I in a remake of  "Click" and nobody told me. Does someone have my remote and is fast forwarding the good bits instead of the bad?!   *Gasps* I'm sure I had a whole bag of jellies there too....

As you can probably tell, this morning has totally overwhelmed me already and it's only just gone 10am. Doesn't bode well does it really?! I was woken from a lovely sleep by my husband telling me he had to b at work early so did I want a cup of tea? (Translates to get up and have the boys so I can get ready).
I managed to drag my aching self out of bed. Squish had woken in the night so I went to settle him and being so tired fell asleep on the floor next to him. I woke up an hour later pretty cold with a stiff back, not good!

So since then Chaos has been whining about anything and everything, spreading food and toys liberally around the house and generally being typical tired Chaos. Squish decided to have a moan and not sleep for ages so for a good hour they were both giving it their all, which is NOT a beautiful sound! Squish Pot finally went to sleep and Chaos sat nicely in his chair and had breakfast properly. I thought things were on the up. I thought we might just get ready and walk to the post office before the ominous black clouds release their drenching contents upon the land, and us.

WRONG! I realised this when I picked Chaos up to put his socks and shoes on only to smell the too familiar pong of grotty nappy. Another nappy battle and some wailing later we were back to square one and putting his socks on. Stupidly I left him for two seconds while I got his wellies. By the time I turned round he was up the garden climbing on the trampoline IN HIS SOCKS! A wailing child and another pair of socks later I gave up and threw him into bed (no, not literally. Tempting, but no) where he went to sleep almost straight away.

Cue Squish Pot. As always, ten minutes after Chaos falls asleep the Squish wakes up. Bloody hell!!
Here is my dilemma. We have no powdered milk for Squish and he is due a feed. If I wake up Chaos he probably wont sleep for the rest of the day and be totally unbearable. AARRRGGGHHHHHH!!! I hate days like this. Mind you, with the way the weekend disappears there is a small hope that today might hurry up and sod off with it!!

This could just happen to me today but first I must find my shades!

On a plus note, while Squish has been gnawing on my finger I have noticed he's cut his first tooth!! Not sure my finger is too pleased with the discovery though...

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