Thursday 21 June 2012

The Longest Day....

The Summer Solstice is today. The longest day of the year. The day when there is more daylight than darkness. Well, for most people..

I joined in with my first Twitter party last night. It was Twidoodle hosted by Story of Mum. I really enjoyed it and somehow won tickets to the launch of The Museum of Motherhood in London tonight. Unfortunately, I can't go. I think it would have been a great experience to have with my Mum and would have loved to take her.
Me and my lovely Mum 2003

She can't go either. Today, she is in hospital. She has Non Hodgkins Lymphoma. Today, they are going to replenish her hemoglobin levels (she is seriously anemic), take more blood for testing, give her the results of her chest xray and then explain how they are going to treat it. (She wont thank me for posting this but it's my only outlet these days, sorry Mum x) So, sod the fucking Solstice, it's going to be a long, long day waiting for the phone call...

I just want to curl up and shut it all out or immerse myself in blogging and other time consuming net pursuits, just so I don't spend the whole day crying. I have two little chaps to entertain though.
My husband has pissed off to work early with no parting words of support. He's probably forgotten to be honest. Yes, things are still pretty crap with us and that's not helping. Especially as he got all stroppy last night and buggered off to bed halfway through talking about things. I can't be arsed with his moods at the moment. There are more important things going on.

I think I should end here and try to lift my mood by watching Chaos and his daft antics otherwise I could drone on for ages! So,have a great day and....

Happy Solstice Everyone!



  1. Thinking of you and your Mum today. Everyday is a bloody long day at the moment and I blame the bloody weather for these moods!
    I really hope you'll be okay today and can sort things with OH soon,xx

  2. Awww so sorry to read about these events in more detail. As I said before fingers crossed things don't turn out to be as bad as your fear. When the weather is so bleak it doesn't help.

  3. Thanks guys. Still waiting for the phone....


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