Thursday 21 June 2012

My Mummy Update

As my post this morning was a bit desperate, I felt I should update you all on what happened today with my Mum.

Mum has Non Hodgkins Lymphoma. She had her spleen removed last year which helped her a lot, as it was about 3 times it's normal size. It does mean that her immune system is very weak so we can't visit if we are ill. She also has it in her bone marrow so she has regular blood tests to monitor her hemoglobin levels. Normal levels are about 11 and hers dropped to about 8 (Mine deopped to 10 while I was pregnant and they classed that as anaemic, to give you an idea). Mum was given blood a few weeks ago to help boost her hemoglobin, as she gets very tired when it's low. 

Since then they have taken another bone marrow sample and bloods to test as well as a chest xray. She got her results today. The chest xray was clear -Hurrah!!  Her hemoglobin level has gone from 8.7 to 9 which is great! Also meant Mum didn't need more blood. The other tests they ran was to find out which treatment would work best for Mum. Unfortunately, none of the usual treatments would hit the spot, so to speak. That means that Mum needs some less common drugs that her Consultant needs permission to administer! So, Dr Crowe is writing up her report as to why these drugs are the best for Mum and hopefully the Medical Board will give their permission. I'm not sure what happens if they don't. 
If they do grant permission, Mum will begin a programme of Chemotherapy in 2 weeks. She will be given an injection every 3 weeks which will take a day to administer in case her body reacts to the chemicals. I think she said they are done in blocks of 12 weeks. (I was getting a bit overwhelmed by this point) so she will finish her fist block in August (I think). 

Mum sounded very bright on the phone and very pleased to have a plan of action. She isn't worried as she knows she is in good hands and they will do all they can. My Dad is another story. He was born to worry, silently. He holds it all in until his shoulders reach his ears and he looks like he left the hanger in his jumper! Bless him. I think it is not knowing how Mum will react to the Chemo that's worrying him. Once he knows what he's in for he will be fine and he'll go back to moaning about slugs eating his Marigolds!!

Not great news but a lot better than we were imagining! I just hope the Chemo is kind to her.


  1. Sounds like some good some not so good, much love to you all. Fingers crossed medication gets sorted quickly so she can get on and put it all behind her as soon as possible xxx

  2. Hi Kat really hope the medicine can be got hold of without any trouble for your mum but really pleased today's results came back so good must've been a long day!
    Be thinking of your family over the coming months xxx


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