Wednesday 27 June 2012

A Post Full of Random Crap

I am struggling here. I have so many ideas for posts to write but when I sit down they just don't come out. There's no flow. I know this is quite a common thing but it's really frustrating.

Right I have just had an idea... As my brain can't sort it's shit out, I shall just write one post of all my blogging ideas. Make sense? No, fantastic! I doubt any of this will either, ha ha!

There is a site I have joined called Postcrossing and I think it's bloody marvelous! The idea is to register your address, then send postcards to the addresses you are given which are anywhere in the world. You will then receive a postcard for every one you send. As the addresses are randomly selected, you will not receive postcards from the people you sent them to. Get it? No, Click Here for a sensible explanation!
I posted 5 postcards on Monday to Germany, Netherlands, South Korea, USA and Russia
 The postcard that went to Germany arrived today! I got an email with a note from the recipient to say thanks for her lovely card. The other 4 are still in transit... As I understand it, someone will now be given my address to send a card to so I will receive a postcard from anywhere in the world. I love surprises! I can now send another postcard as one of mine has reached its destination. I love post and letters but they are a thing of the past now. Must buy some more postcards on my next trip out of the village!

I have completed my Day Zero Challenge list. Blimey, that was an effort! It took me three days and thinking of very little else. I blame my poor child frazzled brain and it's tunnel thinking. 101 things you can hope to accomplish in the next two and a half years.. A bucket list is one thing but try to put a timescale on it and you have to take all sorts into account! I am quite happy with my list. Some things are going to be harder than others. Some will require saving, some will take time and some will need focus and determination (positive.. for a week? Me?? Exactly!!)
I am currently eating my last bag of jellies with the intention of not buying any more. I hope I get some sleep or this will be unbearable!! A week of no jellies... It's all in the mind right? Better make some bloody cupcakes tomorrow then!

Ummm... What else was I going to wiffle on about? Can't even remember that now. I am totally useless eh? Some days I have a flash of my former self and my brain reboots (only temporarily) so I can devise wonderful plans, feel great and remember what motivation is. All too soon, the crushing wave of child requirements and responsibility washes over me taking my pre-child mental abilities with it. I am left drenched and not having a clue who, what or where the hell I am, much less what I came in there for!
Am loving the jellies by the way...
Squirrel  (joke for my son, not that he reads this shit!)

I had a great idea today and I just remembered it! (One day I might leave this post as I type it without correcting all the mis-typed words. Im sure you would all be shocked!) Anyway, my idea... To build a play house in the garden with a water and sand pit on the patio and a little fence around it (to keep the dog out). I think it will be great! My eldest has built a tree house in my parents garden. Its amazing! He even built the ladder, with dowels not nails or screws!! His house has a locking door, a proper felt roof and a properly beaded window. He's 12. Impressive eh?! I thought I would get him on the job to keep him out of trouble this summer. Plus Chaos will love having a little house.

I have been thinking of writing a post about any new blogs I find, that I think are particularly wonderful. If I am following you then you already fall into the "particularly wonderful" category. I thought I would try to do this post on a Friday so I could tie it in with #FF on Twitter (if they have a Twit account). I haven't had a chance to have a proper read this week so I may have to start it next week, unless I can extract my digit tomorrow!!

Right, Before I start wittering on about the colour of Unicorn horns or whether fairies have pedicures I shall sod off to the nod land (babies permitting).
Sleep well and pop back soon for your next dose of random crap!

1 comment:

  1. Hello Kat, I cant remember how I found you, it must have been through someone else that I follow, but I love reading your blog, it is so good to get all of your random thoughts down before they disappear forever. My 4 sons are all grown-up now, but I can identify with your situation, nos 3 & 4 were only 18 months apart and life was very hard when they were young - BUT, and this is a big BUT, in the overall scheme of things, it doesn't actually last that long despite how it seems right now, so if you can turn it in to something enjoyable, you will have happy memories to look back on. You arae moulding your children into the sort of adults they will become, thats gotta be worth a little bit of loss of brain cells, n'est pas? Joy x x x


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