Saturday 16 June 2012


Well, here I am again at the crack of dawn with Squish Pot watching Waybaloo. This is the first day I have appreciated the Teletubbies for not shouting or having loud music. They sound a bit like Chaos chatting to himself so it's quite easy to switch off. Do you think the tv makers know that and do it on purpose?

Today I am beyond tired. I think I may be having one of the relapse days I mentioned in yesterdays post. I ache all over, feel overwhelmed by everything and consequently feel like crying a lot. I started to feel like this yesterday afternoon and I'm not sure why. I did run out of some of my pills for 2 days so was on a lower dose but I would be surprised if it made me feel this low. I think it could be down to lack of sleep as well. Squish Pot has started waking up in the night again and my husband sleeps so soundly he doesn't hear him. Inevitably, I am up with him in the night and again when he wakes up between 5 and 6am. It's a killer but I'm sure it wont last long. He has always been a good sleeper. I just hope I can keep going until we break the cycle!! Who knows.

I have quite a nice day planned. I am taking the Big One to see his Dad later and getting a few things in town to send to a special friend. I have arranged for an old school friend to give my Dad a luxury manicure including a paraffin wax treatment. It is meant to be good for bad circulation and arthritis.He has a problem with the tendons in his hands which means they are slowly contracting. This means he wont be able to straighten his fingers eventually.He has this problem with a little finger already so hopefully this treatment will help! I will report how he gets on later.

I am taking little Squish with me which will be fab!I rarely get time with him on his own as Chaos usually steals the attention but not today. My husband is going to take Choas to the soft play center up the road, which will be great for both of them! They love going there so should have a great afternoon.

My husband is working again tonight so I have an evening of uninterrupted blogging to look forward to! There are so many posts I want to write but just don't seem to get the time. Tonight's the night - HURRAH!!

I can hear Chaos calling me from above so time to hide the laptop, move the cup and bottle off the floor and generally Chaos proof the room!
Here we go again.... Have a great Saturday, whatever you're up to x

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