Tuesday 19 June 2012

Uh Oh....

Here we go again. As hard as I've been trying to ignore it I don't think I can any more. Those black icy fingers are heading my way, I can sense them.

I'm guessing another trip to the Drs is in order. Last Wednesday, That's when I noticed it. It was a gorgeous sunny day and I felt great. I got the boys up and ready early and we took the dog out around the village before heading off to the playgroup. We hadn't been for 2 months and I felt awful that Chaos hasn't really played with other kids in that time. He loved it and Squish was as charming as ever.

We had lunch when we got back and the boys went to bed for a well earned snooze. The Big One was going to his mates house after school so I didn't have to rush to get him. Perfect, an afternoon of blogging and relaxing heading my way. I had a few posts I wanted to write so this was the ideal time. I got a cup of tea and a couple of biscuits and sat at the laptop ready to go. After half an hour of reading other blogs I realised I couldn't really be bothered to write. My enthusiasm had gone and I didn't know why. It's still not back to normal, that's why my posts this week have either been a bit shorter of with lots of pictures.

I am so tired I have to stop on the way back from school as I feel so drowsy. I feel faint when I stand up, have a headache all the time and my eyes are aching and feel gravelly. I don't know how much longer I can go on like this without conking out completely. I really hope Squish sleeps tonight or I'm going to be an even bigger mess tomorrow! Oh woe is me....

I really hope this is just down to lack of sleep as I was feeling almost back to normal.

Sod off shadows, you're not wanted here!

1 comment:

  1. I hope you did get that sleep and that you start feeling better. And we all go through slumps with blogging


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