Monday 9 July 2012

My Mum Body...


There are photos included in this post that some viewers may find disturbing.
If you do, TOUGH!!
Over at Story of Mum all the ladies are celebrating their Mum-Bodies. As a Mum I thought I would join in. Having read some of the posts already, especially this one from His Vegan Mum, I have changed my view of my poor battered body considerably! I am trying to embrace the new me as I don't have the same concern about my figure as I used to. I'm not going to be thin and fit anymore and I don't really mind. I'll just miss some of my favourite clothes!! My old firm bits don't mind either, how do I know? Now, when I go walking they are jiggling along to their own special tune!

So here it is, my Mum - Body!

These are the eyes that saw you when you were born, they have watched you grow, play, learn to walk. They wear the bags of a million lost hours of sleep but still sparkle at your smile. These are the eyes that will watch over you always. See that twinkle in them? That's you.

This is the nose that is offended by your nappies but loves you fresh out of a warm bubble bath!

This is an ear that hears your whimper in the night, when you're cold or alone or woken in fright. This is an ear that hears your first giggle, murmurs and words mispronounced.

These are the lips that kiss your soft skin, that whisper in your ears and sing you to sleep.

This is an arm that has carried you miles, that pushes your buggy that cuddles you tight. However big you get you will never be to big for these arms to hold.

This is the belly that carried you for months, that is stretched, rounded and now has go faster stripes!
It kept you safe when I fell off my horse and when I fell in the bath.
It's done a good job and is due to retire...

This is a hand that has held you tight, wiped your tears, wiped your smears, wiped your bum, tickled you silly, fed you and stroked you til you fell asleep.

These are the legs that supported us all. Who carried us through. They suffered with SPD and nearly gave up but we gave them crutches so they soon carried on. We have been miles propelled by these legs. You have sat and slept on their lap, been bounced on their knee. 

These tired old feet have been there through it all. Holding up the weight of us and still keeping us going. Tired and aching for weeks on end. They deserve a pedicure that I'm going to book for them.

My battered old body has done me proud. I am glad it has kept going all this time and I think it is about time I returned the favour and show it the love and care it deserves. It's the only one I've got and we have a history, my Mum - Body and me.

I'm so glad I joined in with Love Mum Body this month. I have always felt slightly repulsed by the saggy, stretched mess it has become. Wondered how my husband can still find me remotely attractive when I can't. Now, I understand. Having shared the stories of all the other Mums I now realise that it doesn't matter that I'm not the lithe, skinny thing I once was. I was single then and everything else mattered. I'm a Mum now and that's all that matters. My body reflects that too. It has developed this way because of what we have been through and I would rather have my beautiful boys and my Mum body than no boys and my skinny, lithe non Mum body any day!
Thank you Story of Mum for changing my perspective and loving myself a lil bit more xx

1 comment:

  1. Brilliant post, it is about time we gave our bodies credit for the amazing things they have done for us and our little people!


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