Monday 9 July 2012

Transatlantic Blonde - Tots100 #4

This is the home of Blondie. She is married to Not Blonde Husband and between them they have Blondie Boy. Originally from Cincinnati, Ohio, Transatlantic Blonde moved to Glasgow in 2004, before marrying in 2008 and having Blondie Boy in 2010. Here is some more about her blog...

I must just say I love the name of this blog, It's great! The "About us" page has links to three lovely posts about Blondie. The first is a vlog which is brilliant (and brave - I haven't done one yet!), during which Blondie blends her accents brilliantly!! The next link is to an invited question and answer session. Great for giving viewers exactly what they want to know. Finally, a link to a post full of character descriptions from friends which is truly lovely!

There is a lovely long list of product reviews on another page. These include: Micro Scooters, Karvol Vaporiser, Clarkes, Interflora, Charlie Bear DVD, Clothing at Tesco and a Weight Watchers Seriously Satisfying Cookbook, to name a few! These are all linked to the relevant post so there is no need to go searching.

There are two linkys connected with this great blog, the first is Feminist Fridays. The other is What I Wore Wednesdays.

Feminist Fridays encourages those with strong feminist views to write a blog post and link it up each week. Some weeks have set themes such as, Fashion, The Power of Words and Television. These posts are highly thought provoking and while I wouldn't class myself as a Feminist I do agree with a lot of the points raised.

What I Wore Wednesday is exactly what it says on the tin! Write a post about what you wore on Wednesday, including shop names or brand names and as much other information as you like, then link it up to share with others. There are some stunning clothes right alongside the every day clothes so don't feel you have to glam yourself up to join in. It's a great way to get new ideas too.

So if you haven't already, pop on over and see the lovely Blondie Lady and enjoy what she has to say!

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