Wednesday 1 August 2012

10 Things to Smile About in July

This is a fabulous link hosted by Emmy over at Emmy Mom. I am usually too late to join in but I'm in time this month so here is my top ten smiley makers for July.

1. I came through from the kitchen the other day and was met by this....

My little Squish Pot has decided, on the quiet, that he can sit up. He is just so cute I could squeeeeeze him! He hasn't done it since. Just that once and nobody saw him sit so I don't know how he did it either.

2. Chaos is getting really chatty and his use of language is amazing. He also comes out with hilarious things (like Bugger Monkey) and has started trying to sing along to his favourite programmes like Raa Raa the Noisy Lion. He is so funny.

3. I have started digging and levelling the ground where the play house is going to go. Tis is our summer project and I'm hoping i will be done by the end of the holidays so the boys can get some use out of it before the weather turns again. 

4. Me and my husband have got our act together again and things are quite marvelous. I have missed how great we are when things are good. I'm glad we are back on calmer waters and long may it last!!

5. I took part in my first mug swap and received the most wonderful mug ever! It is covered in photos of my boys and it is the colours of my blog (red on the inside and yellow outside).

From this I have decided to hold my own Summer Swap this month to spread a little Sunshine! I am really looking forward to hosting it but also a little nervous...

6.  I have completed my photo a day challenge. I found it quite hard some days to take a photo worth looking at but put in a bit more effort towards the end. Another one crossed off my Day Zero Challenge too!

7. Happy days with my lovely boys

photo edited for free at

8. The end of this month means I have been on my anti depressants for 4 months and feel relatively back to normal. I think I have come a long way from the incapable, gibbering heap I was in March so Yay me! 

9. I am not relying on blogging so much. It is still something I really love to do but I no longer NEED to do it. I am so grateful to all the wonderful people I have met through my blog and through twitter. My invaluable support network, thank you all! 

10. The thing that makes me smile the most are my beautiful boys and the crazy antics they get up to. I don't know what I would smile about if it wasn't for them. They bring me so much happiness and pride, I'd be lost without them. They could also be known as Chaos (he's already known as Chaos!), Disorder and Mayhem so please don't think they are angels. I am choosing to look beyond their misgivings for this post!! 

Thank you to the lovely Emmy for making me look back over the last month and chuckle away to myself quietly

1 comment:

  1. Yea! So glad you played along and I love your list. So cool that you got a picture of him sitting like that, espeically since he hasn't done it again yet.

    So happy that things are better with you and your husband again- and yes all good things are worth fighting for and working through.

    That mug is so cute!! Thanks again for linking up


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