Monday 27 August 2012

A Family Fun Day

Yesterday we were all a bit lacking in ideas for things to do until my husband mentioned he had seen a Fun Day advertised at the local park. It was only down the road and not too much to get in so we thought we would head down there with the boys.

We parked up in the field and started walking up to the club house. There was a 4x4 pulling little carriages so my husband took Chaos up on the train while I walked up with the Big One and Squish in the buggy.
Chaos loved the train and waved like a loon as they went past us
We have never been in the club house due to the number of people that are always spilling out of its doors. It would be a nightmare to take either the buggy or Chaos in there as neither would come out in one piece! 
There was a big marquee off to one side playing music. They had drums and mics set up so I guessed there would be live music later on.  There were stalls of all sorts laid out in a lazy square which surrounded families laid out on blankets or sat at benches, enjoying the sun. Some of the craft stalls looked amazing but I couldn't have a proper browse with Chaos on the loose! 

There was a little Merry-Go-Round for the little ones. After watching for a few minutes, Chaos wanted to have a go. First of all he climbed onto the Thomas Train but got fed up so he slid down and ran over to the American Truck. That had a steering wheel and a bell to ring so it was cool for about 2 minutes longer than Thomas! Daddy suggested the Motorbike and that was it, decision made. He sat there as good as gold for the whole ride. He loves motor bikes! The ride went on for about 5 minutes which was quite  a long time for little ones. He got a bit fidgety towards the end but his bike had a hooter so he kept trying to honk his horn!! 

We wandered around a bit more and came across an inflatable assault course. It was like a  tunnel with different obstacles to clamber over. We asked how much it was and before I could ask if it was ok for little ones, Chaos had gone! He was up and through the first lot of bollards and had disappeared from view as the bollards were taller than him. Not knowing what was inside I was a little worried until I found a gap in the cover. I peered through and there he was, looking very pleased with himself.
photo edited for free at

I know you probably can't see from these pictures but he looks so small compared to everything and everyone else on there but he was Champion! He had about 5 or 6 goes in the end and wasn't impressed when we dragged him away. Until he saw what was next....

You know at the beach they have those trampolines with bungees attached so you can do all sorts of stunts?
"He didn't" I hear you say. Oh yes he did!! He is officially the youngest person they have had on their and I'm not surprised! At 22 months I think they would be hard pushed to find anyone younger with his guts! 
So here he is...
photo edited for free at

Squish was a little bit tired so enjoyed laughing at his brother from the comfort of his buggy. The Big One is just too cool to have his photo taken so I just got a shot of his feet! 

It was great to spend time together for a change. I still can't believe my little Chaos did all those things. Daredevil! 

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