Monday 27 August 2012

Motivation on Monday

Kat Sighs

Here we are, the beginning of another week.
This will be a great week as we all have a "free" day.
Neither a week day or a weekend.
Who's off to Ikea??

photo edited for free at

Change is inevitable in every situation. Sometimes, you can't be sure just how long things are going to last. 

It's a bit like the sun coming out in the morning. You don't know if it will last all day or the whole week. All you can do is get as much washing on the line as you can, slap on some sun cream, fill the paddling pool and enjoy every minute while the weather is good. Enjoy every happy, sun-filled moment.

On the flip side, things won't always be so easy or sun-filled. However hard things get, remind yourself that everything changes. They have to, it is one of the laws of life! For every hour that passes during the tough times, you are an hour closer to the situation changing and things getting easier. 

Embrace change. It may not make things better or worse. It might just make them different.

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