Sunday 19 August 2012

A Weekend of Firsts

Two of my boys accomplished some pretty amazing stuff this weekend and I am so proud of them both. I felt I should tell the world about it, oh and you!

On Saturday, the Big One went into Bath on the Train with his mate to watch a film at the Cinema with no adult!! That's pretty big stuff from the kid who doesn't like trying new things in case people laugh at him. He really, REALLY hates being laughed at, he always has. He used to throw big sulks at 3 and not talk to anyone who laughed for ages afterwards. He hasn't changed much! But, I digress..
As we live about 7 miles away from his school, I have suggested he get the train home after school so he can see his mates for a few hours before coming home. Although he would love to see his mates, I think the idea of getting the train home on his own has put him off. Hopefully, now he will be confident enough to do it occasionally.
I did write down everything for him, even what he had to say to buy the tickets for the train and cinema. I wrote down the train times for him and made sure he had credit on his phone in case he missed a train. Lucky I did as they missed several trains! I looked up the times online and rang him back so he managed to catch the next one. I was also really impressed that having given him £30 to pay for both their tickets and a bit of food, not only did I have over £5 change but instead of an air filled McDonalds they both opted for a Subway meal deal! I am sooo proud of him, my little, big man. And yes I did tell him so!!

 The other achiever this weekend is the ever beautiful Squish Pot. He has decided it's time he got his groove on and started practicing on his pins. He pulls himself up in his cot, which is great as the top rail is just the right height for him to hold onto. The problem is, he hasn't worked out how to sit down again once he's up! Several times a night we have to dash up the stairs and "save" him whilst waiting for him to fall asleep. It's a bit tiresome but so lovely to see his little face lit up with the pride of achievement.  He is also trying out standing in other places too like holding the sofa, climbing the dog cage, the bottom of the stairs and (worryingly) the bath!! The shiny silver handles are way too tempting for little hands. He is still only 8 months and is so steady on his feet I'm pretty sure he will be walking in the next few weeks. He was stood holding my hands yesterday and just let go! He must have a lot of confidence in his ability to do that, surely. The other two were a lot more gradual than that. Squish seems to be an all or nothing kind of guy. He went from puree to chicken curry in 3 days! I can see this being a fun parenting journey....

So, a proud Mum I am today (and every day). With my babies achievements comes the constant reminder that they are getting bigger and my babies wont be babies for long. I want to cuddle them all day and remember the softness of their hair, the smell fresh out the bath and how their hands feel on my face. Having the Big One is a reminder of how fast the time goes. In 3 years he might want to leave school, leave home and get a job. THREE years.... I feel like it's all slipping through my fingers and I want to grab on to it all the more. Being a parent, I have realised you have to start letting go just at the point where you want to hold on tighter.

1 comment:

  1. Well done to you and the Big One on doing the train journey by himself. I know how hard it is as a mum to have to let them go, as well as for them to make that step.
    And also well done Squish Pot. Before you know it, he'll be all over the place! xxx


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