Wednesday 8 August 2012

Closer to Nature - Giant Daisies

Mum's the Word

I was so pleased to see this linky become a regular feature over at Mums The Word. There are never enough places to share beautiful photos!
I love Daisies. They are so pretty. Imagine my joy at finding these huge ones. I realise they are not normal Daisies and I don't think they are Michaelmas Daisies but they look very Daisy like! 
If you know what they are please tell me in the comment box as Id love to get some for our garden.


  1. I wish I knew what sort of daisies they are but I know absolutely NOTHING about gardening! Its actually embarrassing how little I know! I hope that you can find out what sort they are soon!

  2. I am not sure either, but they are beautiful! Lovely photograph! Thanks for commenting on mine, I completely messed up and put the wrong bit in the linky! :D

  3. Those are pretty! And I am all for more pictures :)

  4. No idea other than daisies but they're very pretty nonetheless

  5. Gorgeous! (P.S., I fixed the linky, it's working fine :-) ) Thanks for linking up.


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