Tuesday 7 August 2012

Monday in Disguise....

After my Motivation post yesterday this is the opposite really. Today is not a good day. I realise it is not yet 10am so there is the possibility of improvement but at the moment that doesn't feel possible.

I was woken this morning before 7am, by little hands patting me on the face and a small voice saying "Mummy" repeatedly. This was followed by "Mwah" as i got a feather light kiss from Chaos. Not a bad start, until the smell hit me.... A double dose of ripe nappy - fantastic! Then my husband announces there are wet bed sheets to deal with too, do I mind if he has a shower in a minute and would I like a cup of tea? Obviously the tea was a YES (although I am just making one for myself now as it failed to materialize), the shower was also a yes so I dragged my aching self up to deal with the sheets. I managed to grab a quick shower as I smelt like (insert appropriate stinky thing here) and my hair could stand upright on its own.

On my return the sofa bed was returned to its sofa position but the aroma of nappy still hung in the air. The husband took his leave promptly and disappeared for his shower. Two nappies and bottles of milk later, it was time for breakfast. Chaos decided he would do some decorating with his porridge and redistribute his fruit around the room while my back was turned. I was feeding the Squish, who suddenly decided he had had enough and threw his arms in the air just as a heavily laden spoon entered his personal space. Yes, more flying porridge. After one more attempt at spoon to mouth engagement, I gave up and admired my oaty decor...

It was around this point that we made the next gruesome discovery. The dog was busily crunching on something in her bed. Knowing she had a bone in the garden I asked my husband to check and see if she had snuck it indoors. (She has them outside as I don't trust her not to snap at the boys over it.) She had indeed kept indoors with it and, at some point in the night, been sick. As he was already late for work, I told my husband to leave it and go so he wasn't any later. This was the perfect point for both boys to practice synchronized crying as they wanted to leave the table.

My husband went to work leaving me sat at the table with my head in my hands and a wailing child either side of me, bless him. So began another days cleaning operation... I threw the dog bed outside to deal with at nap time, washed the floor, changed nappies again while it dried, hoovered the whole of downstairs ready for mopping also at nap time and then noticed him.....
Our poor Mr Crabs. (If you haven't heard of Mr Crabs you can read about him HERE.) He was sat very still on his pebbles on his side. Never a good sign. I picked him up and nothing, he didn't flinch or twitch or wiggle his deelibobbers, nothing. I stroked his leg and I think it moved so I blew on him gently and I think he moved again. I have put him back in his tank (upright) in the hope that I shall go in there later and he will be beetling about as usual. I have a horrible sinking feeling that he will be exactly where I left him. I'm not looking forward to telling the Big One when he comes back from his Dads as he was his crab really.

That was the last straw, I sat on the floor and quietly cried, a lot. For the crappy day I was having, for not being able to handle it, for my poor little crab who I should have taken more care of, for my Mum who has her next lot of Chemo today, for everything really. I felt completely defeated, that it was all too much for me and I couldn't cope with it all any more.

Then a beautiful thing happened.

Chaos came in from the other room, took one look at me and stopped in his tracks. After a couple of seconds he walked over to me, bent his head and kissed me on the cheek. He stood by my shoulder with one arm round my neck and stroked my face with the other. He stroked my hair and sat in my lap for a long cuddle.
Caught in the crisp cupboard.... Again! 

Everyone needs a little Chaos in their life and I adore mine! 

1 comment:

  1. Ah, somehow they just know what you need after having an awful morning don't they?! It's just a pity that it's their mischievousness that has driven us to our mental state in the first place! lol. xx


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