Monday 6 August 2012

My Weekend and a Bit of Booty

I have had a rather good weekend. I have woken up this morning feeling the normal exhaustion but with an added sprinkle of achievement which feels great! I thought having done a bit of cleaning already, I would sit down with a cuppa and tell you all about it.

Saturday my husband decided he needed a hair cut. He then decided Chaos should have one too. Chaos was not too keen on this idea but soon came round to it when given the opportunity to cut Daddys hair first!

We had a trip into town to see about opening a second account. We want a bill account and a spends account to help us organise our money a bit better and hopefully help pay off our overdraft! That all went quite smoothly until the boys decided it was time for food/sleep and NOT sitting in a glass office box talking boring growd up stuff! We hastily made our way out of there and got them some fruit to munch while we whizzed round Asda, love 'em!

As they were happy for a few minutes we nipped into the recycling place and dropped off some more of our garden and plastics (we missed the bin men again!) then got home for a late lunch. 
My husband was working in the evening so we had a the boys in bed fairly early and started organising our stuff for the boot sale in the morning. I managed to get the car all packed up ready to go before he left (as I don't like being outside while the boys are sleeping) which was great. 
I settled down to do a post or two but had "bloggers block" so watched two episodes of Once Upon A Time and went to bed! 

Sunday was an early start. It was throwing it with rain so I was in two minds whether to go or not. We really need the space so it wasn't an option really. I wished my husband luck with the boys and set off with my brother in law, who was still half asleep! 
There were still people unpacking to sell when we arrived so we weren't too late. We unpacked everything and parked the car by which time the sun had come out. Fantastic, more shoppers come out in the sunshine! I had a pretty good morning and managed to sell nearly everything I took. I didn't get nearly as much as the stuff was worth but we now have extra space and some money for the kids during the holidays - Hurrah! 

I was really good and didn't spend what we had made. Well, not all of it....
I bought 2 books by Jodi Picoult as she is a brilliant writer and they were £1 each as new. I got a big crocodile for Chaos' jungle birthday party which was also £1

We had agreed to have a look round for a walker for Squish as he is getting really frustrated with not being able to stand up now and shouts about it a lot. I looked round the whole market and found one. The lady wanted £10 but I got it for £8 in the end. 

We got all our goodies home and Chaos loved his Croccy! He was carrying it everywhere and sitting on it to  have his milk. A definite hit! I set to work cleaning the baby walker as it was pretty gross with curious brown stuff glued onto it. The toy tray came off luckily so I cleaned up the rest of it and popped him in. 
photo edited for free at

I love his innocent little face in the top picture, totally unaware of Chaos in the back ground about to hijack his lovely new walker. Luckily, he is protected by a rather large crocodile! 


  1. Wow, that is quite a haul! I'm loving the croc and a walker for £8? Bloody bargain-ous! I spent £23 on a walker only for Isaac to realise after 2 days he could climb out of it and use the underneath to hide... *thud*

  2. Ooh I love a car boot rummage! Never got round to selling, really should as the stuff Syd has grown out of is mounting up and up!


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