Saturday 25 August 2012

Reasons to be Cheerful

Reasons to be Cheerful at Mummy from the Heart
Linking up with Becky at Lakes Single Mum for this weeks Reasons to be Cheerful.
We I have had a good think and my reasons this week are......

1)  My Mum is coping amazingly with her Chemo. I was all prepared for the scenes from the film The Bucket List but none of it. She is amazing and coping so fantastically well!

2)  My little Squish Pot is well and truly on the move. He is doing so well and has just started walking along the sofa and round his cot. I realise this is the end of the baby phase and am quite sad about that but the joy on his little face cancels that out immediately.

3)  I have made some new penpals on Postcrossing and am eagerly awaiting some card swaps from around the globe.

4)  I have made great progress on the gardens at the front and back. I can now picture what the front garden will look like and I cant wait. I have some lovely bulbs to go in for next year too.

5)  We have two holidays to look forward to. A week in the Isle of Sheppy next month and a week in Devon for October half term. I can't wait as this time I wont be pregnant so I can join in with everything!!

I am one lucky lady and I am glad that I have this weekly reminder to list all the things good in my life. Have a great weekend! 


  1. They all sound fabulous reasons! Those kid milestones are a double edged sword as we are proud and a wee bit sad at same time


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