Sunday 5 August 2012

Time for a Change

Today has been one of those days. You know the ones. All of a sudden you see things from a totally different perspective. You can't work out why or what happened to trigger it, it's just different. Today was one of those days.

I went into town with my husband and the boys. We had a bit of a wander round and I popped into a shop that had a sale on, just in case....  There was a red dress in there for £4 - bargain! I was a bit dubious about the size so I went to try it on. Its was slightly more hugging than I first thought but it looked ok (as long as I didn't breathe out!). My husband liked it so I bought it.

Having seen myself in the mirror in that dress I have realised just how much I have let myself go. To be honest, I look like I did when I was 5 months pregnant! In a tight fitting dress, that isn't a good look. I was quite surprised I haven't really noticed/bothered before now. I have never really worried about my figure too much as I have been lucky enough to maintain it relatively easily and I'm not overly concerned now. (Mind you, saying that, as I have been so ridiculously tired lately, feeling off balance and getting bigger we did a test just to be on the safe side. One blue line and a sigh of relief later our minds are at rest!)
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I have decided I need to up my level of exercise from none to some. I don't want to be mega fit. I would just like to be able to hold my tummy in like I used to without it being an effort. I was planning to do several fund raising events in aid of Unicef but I seem to have misplaced my motivation and haven't bothered looking for it. I think it is about time I got going again really. The dog used to like going out in the evenings too. Now my brother in law is staying with us for a while, I'm sure he wont mind having the boys during their morning nap while I whiz round the village with the dog or go swimming even. Wow, swimming! I haven't done that since last summer as Chaos got too big for me to lift in our Water Babies class.

Maybe I should go back to my original training plan of 2 or 3 nights a week running. I felt a difference just doing that. I should also go to sleep earlier so I don't eat so much sugary crap trying to stay awake!! Having just looked at the clock and realised it's 1am I'm going to be now. We are doing a boot sale of all our old baby stuff and I have to be up at 6am ha ha ha!! Won't be cutting out the sugar tomorrow then. Mondays are always good to start new things so I shall make Monday the start of the new me!!
G'night Y'all x

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