Saturday, 29 September 2012

Fridays Letters


I have found another new linky. This one is hosted by Ashley from Adventures of Newlyweds
Every Friday write a letter to all the people you have messages for, even yourself!

Dear Dad,
Thank you for coming over to see us. It was really good to see you and spend a bit of time talking to you. I wish we got to spend more time talking. We share a similar outlook so it is very enlightening for me to hear your point of view. You are my voice of reason x

Dear Ant,
Things are tough at the minute. It is a massive change for all of us but we will get through it somehow. I don't want you to feel like the only one supporting our family. I want us to share the responsibility, the care of our boys and be successful at both. I feel like we have lost our way a little bit but we are starting to head in the right direction again. I love you so much and am looking forward to our future together. It will involve pigs :o) xx

Dear Squish,
Please try to sleep through the night. I know you have an awful cold and you find it hard to breathe sometimes. We love you very much but we are finding it so hard on such little sleep and poor Daddy has to work nights too. I love you little bean xxx

Dear Chaos,
My lovely boy. Please to try and calm down. There is no need to get excited about everything. Screaming and throwing yourself on the floor will not get you what you want, it will just get you more bruises. Oh and please try to eat more. You are not supposed to be the same weight as your brother, he is a year younger than you! xxx

Dear Big, 
You are wonderful and I don't tell you often enough. I will do my best for us to spend more time together. I know your little brothers take up so much of our time but it doesn't mean I love you any less! xxx

Dear BiL,
Get off your bloody arse and help yourself. There is only so much we can do for you. You have a week left with us then you're pretty much on your own. I don't know how else to tell you so you understand. We do care what happens, that's why we are doing all this for you. 

Dear Me, 
Look after yourself better. You only get one chance and it's all riding on you so sort out yourself and get on with it. Go to bed earlier, eat better and exercise more. Find a job. Be less critical and more supportive. You are not your Mum, she is! (That's a joke but not many get it, tee hee) Don't take on so much, you don't have enough time for all of it. You're doing good kid, keep going x

1 comment:

  1. Great idea. I love the letter to yourself- we must remember our own needs in the mayhem of use family life- I need to do that more too
    , :)


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