Friday, 28 September 2012

Oh Soooo Proud!

I have missed this lovely link for a couple of weeks but I am bursting with pride so I wanted to tell you all. 
Pop over to Emmy for some more Proud (or not so proud!) Mommy Moments.
Just for a change I am reporting happy news from the P household! 
These proud moments involve no swearing from youngsters.

This is my little mans new bed. After a couple of days of Chaos managing to climb out of his cot head first, we thought it would be safer to move him into a toddler bed. We saw this little fire engine bed at a boot sale so we snapped it up. Was just as well we did as he loves it! So does little Squish Pot.
After taking quite a while to settle on the first night he slept like a... er... baby!
Tonight, I put him to bed and left him to go to sleep alone. I waited outside his room, fully expecting him to leap out of bed any second. He didn't! He turned over in his little bed and went peacefully off to sleep. 

The other reason I am so proud of my little beans is I have been told in the last two days that they are both advanced for their ages. Both people are childcare professionals which makes me feel even more proud! 
Chaos is advanced in his speech and language. He understands and uses a ridiculous number of words. He copies anything and everything he hears and can put a 6/7 word sentence together on his own.

My little Squish Pot had his 8 month check today. Yes, that is almost 2 months late but they have been busy... I guess. My littlest bean is walking around furniture, almost standing alone, is very sociable and has great motor skills. She also said he has a beautiful smile. I have to agree! 


  1. Aww love the pic of them both in the new bed! So cute!

  2. Yea!!! What great Proud Mommy Moments. That bed is so adorable! And I am so impressed and a little jealous how easily he switched to a toddler bed- Lucas was a beast about it. And always so great to hear they are advanced for their age.

    His smile is great.
    Thanks so much for linking up!

  3. That is just the cutest bed ever! I wanted to do Buster's bedroom in a fireman theme, but he wasn't having it. I'm glad Chaos adapted so well to his new bed.

    Yay for advanced kiddos. That's awesome.

    Thanks for linking up!


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