Wednesday, 26 September 2012

I Want.....

I have been tagged in this Meme by the lovely Hannah, the one and only Cupcake Mumma!

Here is my list of all the things I want... 

1. Absolutely has to be SLEEP! I want to sleep for as long as I like and wake up naturally, not when I'm required to. I want to sleep in my bed on my own with the WHOLE duvet to myself and my yummy feather pillow, squished up just right. Favourite pj's of course and a little juice should I require liquid refreshment at any point. If only!!

2. I want my babies to be better and not to have their horrible yucky colds anymore. I hate watching them suffer and there is nothing I can do to help. It also means all my clothes are covered in snot and I get even less sleep than usual - selfish cow, I know.

3. I could quite happily munch my way through a bag or two of Haribo at the moment. I get to a certain point at night when I get a craving for sweet things. It probably means I should be going to bed not having tea and biscuits! 

4. I want to have a day to myself. To do whatever I like. To blog, read, write letters, shop, walk the dog or watch a film without violent gun fights! I would just love to be me again for a day (or maybe two!), with no one relying on me for anything. That would be bliss.

5. I also want a safe and happy upbringing for all the children of the world. There are far too many young children having to suffer more atrocities than anyone should have to witness. It breaks my heart to see what they go through and yet mostly they still manage to smile. 

There are my wants. I would love to hear about other folks wants so I am going to tag......
Maria from Tiger Tales
Coz I'm nosy and want to know!! x

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