Monday 10 September 2012

Motivation on Monday

Kat Sighs

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Which is yours?

I realise life isn't all zip wires and surprises but it is definitely what you make of it. Adventure doesn't have to be a camping trip into the wilderness or a leap from a plane. Sometimes it can be a new path on a daily walk or joining a new class or group you know nothing about. It is the daring part that makes the adventure. Having the nerve to try new things and experience the unknown. 

This week,
 I am going to arrange a haircut with a new hairdresser. 
I am going to start looking for a job. 
I am trying to get the boys into a new routine. 
I am going to try not to have a last minute panic about my husband leaving full time work. 

Go on, be a Dare Devil! 

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a full week! Hope that hairdresser hunt goes well. So far mine has FLOPPED! Why is it so hard to find one you like? :) And good luck on the job searching!


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