Tuesday, 9 October 2012

Kat Sighs... For The Last Time

It is with sadness that I sit here to write my last post on Kat Sighs. I never thought I would become so attached to my little blog and love writing it so much. I have a feeling this post could be quite an emotional one. I hear you asking "If that is the case then why leave?" Grab a cuppa, pull up a chair and I'll tell you...

Are you sitting comfortably? Grand, here we go.

I started writing this blog in February this year. Yes, my leafy wonder is a mere 8 months old. It was such a huge relief and necessity at the beginning to have an outlet for my troubled mind. I have described my daily trials and battles with Post Natal Depression and Anxiety, the effects of my antidepressants and how it has impacted the rest of my family. 

Gradually, I became able to write about things other than my feelings. I started to include more about my boys and their achievements. I joined in with an ever increasing number of link ups (which I love!). These included See it, Snap it, Love it with Lucy, Michelle's' Reasons to be Cheerful, Emmy Moms Proud Mommy Moments (one of my favourites), The Gallery with Tara and so many other fabulous links. Slowly, I developed a following of amazing ladies wanted to read my witterings. These fabulous folk have left me some heart warming, supportive and humerus comments exactly when they were needed and have helped me so much through my journey. So, if you are one of those lovely people give yourselves a hug, you have given me the strength to keep going. 

Of all these wonderful people, there have been two that have come to mean a great deal to me. In fact, they are probably amongst the closest friends I have, even though I have never met them. They have been the ones I have turned to when things have been truly unbearable and they haven't ever let me down. I strongly advise you to visit them here and here. You wont be disappointed for they are as beautiful on the inside as they are outside. Honest, caring, sharing, yummy, scrummy, fabulous Mummies!

I have posted about my Mums ongoing fight against the big "C". She is an amazing lady and I'm sure she could fight it off through stubbornness alone. But fight she is and doing a grand job too! Having just had her 4th round of Chemo she is coping amazingly well and is lucky to have hardly any side effects. She is my SuperMum! I will thank everyone from both of us for all your well wishes and healing thoughts, they are all greatly appreciated x

I know, with so many positives why stop now?? 
Well, I feel the time has come for a change. Things have been extremely hard/impossible at home recently. My marriage has hit an all time low and we discussed separating. The situation had got to a point where it was affecting our boys and neither of us wanted to upset them so we agreed that my husband should move out. As I'm sure you can imagine, I am skipping over a lot here. The arguments, the silences, the tears, more tears, bit of shouting and some talking thrown in occasionally. If you have ever been there, it is HELL. It is the worst thing in the world to endure and I hope I never, ever have to do that again!! 

On the morning of him moving out we had a session with Relate booked. We had arranged it the previous week as a last resort but over the weekend a few more things came to light and I didn't see the point in us both going so he was going to go alone. My Dad had come over for a chat and a bit of moral support. When  the time came for my husband to leave, Dad quietly said "I think you should go, love". I knew he was right, that I should at least hear a different perspective and as it was already booked and paid for, had nothing to lose.

Heather was brilliant. She put us at ease pretty quickly, cracked a few "safe" jokes and made us laugh. We seemed to cover quite a lot in a short time. We got to the root of the problem and talked about how we ended up there. I admitted that I didn't want it to end but I felt I was doing most of the work and it didn't matter what I said to my husband, nothing changed. He agreed. I am so run down with the situation it is affecting how I care for the boys so before it deteriorates further I felt it would be best for everyone if he moved out. 

We talked a bit more and Heather gave us some homework. 
We had to take moving out off the agenda. We can't fully commit to something while we are staring at the exit. That is no longer an option.
We have signed up for 6 more sessions, at least.
We have to communicate more effectively and considerately. I ask whats wrong, he says "Nothing" = FAIL!
We are also to reciprocate physical contact (I know, but my folks read this!) such as hand holding, hugging and kissing. 
Spend some quality alone time together every day.
All of these things are to try and re-establish our connection to each other. 

Since that session, there has definitely been a shift and we feel closer than we have done in months. Today, we laid on my bed while the boys played and just snuggled. It was a great few minutes until Chaos realised what was going on and dived in between us! 

It is with these changes in mind that I feel I should leave Kat Sighs behind. 
I no longer struggle with pnd every day, therefore Kat Sighs much less! 
Since coming off my pills I feel the "old" me lingering in the wings, waiting for the cue to return.
I want to spend more time with my husband in the evenings and restore our marriage to its former glory
I want to embrace my fun loving, carefree, spontaneous, slightly crazy self again. 

Take care peoples, I'll miss y'all  x


  1. We'll miss you :( But you're obviously doing it for the right reasons, the much more important ones :) Take care my love xx

  2. Oh Kat, you will be sorely missed but understandably leaving for the right reasons i believe. Best of luck with everything and take care xx

  3. I will miis your lovely blog hugely, but I hope you will still be around on twitter to keep in touch- would hate to lose you completely! I wish you massive best wishes with everything sweetheart xxx

  4. You will be missed but I have been there and completely understand, I wish you well with everything xxxx

  5. Oh we'll miss you - but you are doing it for such an important reason and maybe you'll be back in a while to tell us how fabulously you're doing. Take care and I hope it all comes good x

  6. Perhaps your blog will be re-invented in the near future? With new adventures and insights, but fewer sighs. All the best, Lx.

  7. What an emotional post. It seems a shame to let the blog go, but I understand your reasons for doing it. I hope things continue to improve for your marriage and family. Maybe in a few months you will feel ready to start blogging again - Kat Smiles maybe?! X

  8. You certainly had your share of trials but I'm pleased that you can see a light ahead. You can always return when you and your family are ready with a new blog. Till then, all the best to you and your family.

  9. You will be missed-- but yes real life our families, children are really what matters the most anyway. So good for you for having the courage and conviction to step back and fully invest in what matters most. I wish you the best of luck and I am so glad that the first session went so well. I truly do hope things continue to get better for both of you.

    And if the day ever comes where you do come back- drop me a line and I will definitely be back to read. Thank you for the kind shoutout- lately you have been one of the few that has linked up and I really have appreciated it.

  10. Very sad to hear this news but I hope everything works out for you Kat! I hope my mug makes you smile too! Sending my love (: xx

  11. I'm so sad to see you go, but understand your reason's why. I hope you and hubby get back on track and manage to work things out. I will miss reading your blog, it's one that I look forward to reading as I can identify with you alot of the time. I hope you will still be around on twitter and I will try to make more of an effort to go on there!
    Take care. xxxx

  12. I'm sorry that you're stopping, but happy that you're doing it for the right reasons. I'm glad we met through Twitter before this happened because you have a goid soul xx

  13. Thank you all so much for your lovely comments. I am missing you all madly :o) xx


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