This week the poor little chap has had a horrible hacking cough so he has been getting tired quite easily. With the cold weather closing in as well he has been a little block of ice a lot of the time, bless him.
On Sunday, I took him out in the buggy for a bit of fresh air. I thought I would collect some different leaves so we could dry them out and do something crafty with them later in the week. He seemed to enjoy the time out and chatted away non stop.
Escapee! |
He was worn out by the time we got home so I put him straight to bed and laid out our haul of autumnal leaves. After his sleep we played indoors as the weather was cold and horrible. We didn't have too many dramas until I was in the shower and my husband was getting dinner ready. Without any attention, Chaos was getting into trouble any way he could so we have highlighted this as a time to try and occupy him.
Chaos went with my husband to take Big to school in the morning. We didn't have too many dramas through the day. Meal times are still an issue. We have decided that if he messes about with his food (spitting it out or throwing it etc) we take his plate away. If he is hungry he doesn't muck about he just eats nicely. Once he starts playing about he wont eat anymore so we aren't starving him by taking it away. It is really hard though as sometimes he only has 2 mouthfuls before he's throwing it on the floor but we have to be strong.
I had to visit my Granny in the afternoon but my husband took the boys out in the buggy while I was out and they both had a sleep.
Chaos didn't want to go on the school run today. He ate all his breakfast up nicely and didn't throw anything on the floor! He was feeling really helpful today and helped me hoover and clean the floors. Then we went upstairs and he helped me take a bit more paper off the walls in their new bedroom. We had a fairly quiet morning. They went off for a sleep with little fuss, so no major fallout.
Chaos wouldn't eat any lunch and was quite naughty but he did seem more compliant today. We didn't have any screaming fits today and he seemed quite huggy. I haven't shouted today. I have tried to talk to him calmly and it seems to make a difference. We made some chocolates this afternoon. He loves baking and making things. I think he ate a whole tub of jelly diamonds in the process though!
I was going to go to the library with the boys today but we had a pretty rough night so were all quite tired. My Dad popped over for a cuppa this morning which was great! I haven't seen him since Chaos' birthday last month. We had a chat about all sorts and he was impressed with how the boys have come on since he last saw them. Chaos was quite a pain today. Initially he was so excited to see Grandad that he was bringing him various random objects with great enthusiasm. Dad is brilliant with kids and sat with him to do some jigsaws and play with him. He said that Chaos needs almost constant occupying as he is so bright and active. He thinks anyone would find him challenging, let alone if you have 2 other boys to entertain as well.
He didn't eat much at mealtimes and as soon as he started messing about with his food I took it away. At lunchtime I sat him on the step as he was throwing things around the kitchen. He got up once so I went over and explained why he should sit there. A few minutes later a little voice floated down the hall "Sorry Mummy". I went over to say he was really good to say sorry, he shouldn't behave like that and he could come and sit with all of us at the table. He was fine for the rest of the meal. Hurrah!!
Unfortunately, we didn't leave the house in the end but as both boys missed their sleep this afternoon, they were both quite keen to go to bed!
Today didn't start well. Chaos woke us up by jumping all over us which didn't go down well as it was still dark. He wouldn't lie down or settle to do anything. I have no idea how long he was messing about for as I kept dozing off. I think my husband did too. Squish woke up so I brought them both downstairs. While I was making a drink for us all Chaos pushed Squish over, hard and made him cry. He later threw his breakfast everywhere and hit Squish on the head with his toy trailer. I just got out of the shower and he told me he had hit his brother with the trailer. I said that wasn't a nice thing to do and did it make Squish cry? He said it did so I explained that Squish cries when he is very sad and hurt. I said I knew he didn't want to make his brother sad so maybe he could say sorry and give him a cuddle to make him feel better. Chaos almost skipped off happy to make his brother smile again. He even gave him a kiss too!
Later we played a game pulling different faces. We did happy, sad and grumpy faces. Chaos thought it was great fun and laughed a lot. I thought if he understands more about emotions it might help him with his own. In the afternoon he got annoyed with his toys and made this screaming growling noise (like the Kurgen from Highlander), Squish was with him and started to cry. When I asked him what happened, Chaos said he had frightened Squish shouting. I told him it wasn't very nice to be frightened so not to shout anymore, which he didn't. I thought that was quite insightful of him to know Squish was frightened.
Once Squish went to bed Chaos was much calmer. We had a delivery of some puzzles to review which kept him entertained for quite a while. Within a few minutes he had mastered where all the pieces went, amazing really considering he's only 2!
I took Squish with me on the school run as Chaos was having a nap. My husband said they had a great afternoon playing so today turned out good in the end.
Another early start this morning but not as crazy as yesterday! Chaos ate his breakfast really nicely today without throwing any on the floor. As soon as he thought about playing with his porridge I took it away and he said "thank you!". He was lovely all morning until it came to nap time. It took nearly an hour to settle them so I called my husband to take over as I was getting frustrated. He was back downstairs in 5 minutes saying they were both asleep. I felt like "Yay" and "Grrr" at the same time.
Apart from getting very frustrated and tense Chaos has been really good today. He has eaten all his meals nicely and not thrown any food on the floor! We had a bit of a drama out on our walk but I'm sure that was down to him being tired and a bit under the weather. Once we went out to see his Uncle he was lovely again. A great day to end the week! Fingers crossed for the weekend :o)
We went out to the library soon after breakfast and both boys seemed quite excited to be out. We had to park a few minutes away and I was counting on Chaos to be really good as I hadn't brought the buggy. He held my hand all the way there and all the way back (after an initial "discussion"). Things were fine in the library to start with. Then he noticed the DVDs and started stacking them in the book boxes. While I was busy putting them all back on the shelves he had gone round the other side and emptied the other 3 shelves of DVDs on to the floor. Bringing Squish, I started putting all those back trying to encourage him to help and keep an eye on his brother. Not happening. Squish was emptying the shelves as fast as I was filling them so Chaos made a run for it. Staff Only - Chaos is staff, apparently. Off he went, racing up the wooden staircase as fast as his legs would go followed by me in heels and a now wailing, Squish. Quiet morning in the library, not flippin likely!
Hastily I gathered together my boys, a pile of books, two bags and tried to check the books out on the funky machine. Doing everything in the wrong order, trying to control two grumpy boys wanting to go in separate directions and being glared at by the ancient librarian, I was starting to feel quite stressed.
They boys slept most of the afternoon which was great. We took all the wallpaper off their new room. Once they woke up we played with them while dinner cooked then I gave them an extra long bath as they love it!
I am hoping we will continue to make small but significant changes in the weeks to come.
Wow what a difference already Kat! Chaos seems to so far ahead of his age he sounds hard work because if that def a bright boy! It's so nice to see you really making the effort and being strict as well Kat I think of you keep this up Chaos will begin to understand his feelings and emotions as well as that of others as well as enjoying so much fun! Hopefully he'll be content soon to occupy himself for a little while too sounds like something you could do with lol xx
ReplyDeleteThanks Hannah! It's so lovely to have some encouraging words. Sometimes it feels like we aren't getting anywhere with him but I know we are.. Slowly.
DeleteHe is such a lovely, caring, affectionate boy that I know this isn't really him.
I was upset the other day so he came over, cupped my face in his hands, gave me a kiss and said "Whatsa matta Mummy?" He is adorable really xx
Kat, you are doing wonderfully, you are giving him the attention he needs when he is being good, and not "rewarding" bad behaviour. You cant expect everything to change overnight, but be very, very pleased with progress so far. Joy xx
ReplyDeleteThanks Joy! I know it will take time. Some days are so much better than others! He is doing really well, bless him. I am trying to look after myself too so I'm not as moody with him when he plays up xx