Monday, 19 November 2012

Stuck on You - Review and Give Away

Stuck on You asked if I would like to review some of their fabulous products so naturally I jumped at the chance. With Christmas fast approaching I can do with all the help I can get! It was so hard to choose but we finally narrowed it down.

We decided on two kids lunchboxes and two personalised jigsaws. When they arrived Chaos tore into the package with great enthusiasm.

As you can see Chaos had great fun with the jigsaws and had worked out where the pieces go within minutes. Not bad for a baby who's just turned 2! The only problem he had were putting the E and the O in the right place as the spaces are very similar in shape. I was also a little disappointed that the puzzle hadn't been trimmed to size. 

 There is a lot of space at either end of Georges jigsaw. It would look better if it was trimmed or had a shape at each end like a star, just to fill the space. I thought they would also look nice with a pale coloured wash rather than leaving the wood bare.
As you can see the boys thoroughly enjoyed playing with them and were busy filling their lunchboxes with letters as soon as they could undo the zips!

The lunchboxes are great. They are easy for the little guys to handle and carry about. They have a foil layer inside to maintain the temperature better. The lid has a netting pocket should you wish to keep some items separate. There is a pocket on the front of the pack which has a magnet closure that is ideal for a packet of wipes or tissues. Unfortunately, we haven't had the chance to use them for take out lunches yet as the weather has been so bad. As both of them are eating so much more these days they will definitely need one each!

I strongly urge you to have a look at some of the other wonderful gifts on the Stuck on You website if you want some original, personalised gifts this Christmas. The site itself has a brilliant function which allows you to select your item to personalise. Then choose which design you want on your item. Lastly, you type in the name you would like on your item. This gives you a preview of you finished gift so you can decide if you like it or not. Brilliant!

Other places to contact the very wonderful Stuck on You staff are linked here: Facebook Twitter or Google+  Have a browse and I'm sure you wont be disappointed!

If you find something you like, pop your name and email in the comments box below for a chance to WIN a £25 voucher. I shall randomly pick the winner next Monday 26th November so you will have a chance to order before Christmas. I will announce the winner on the blog next Monday so don't miss it!


  1. Ooo lovely giveaway, I love everything at stuck on you, a voucher would come in so handy for xmas :) Sarah x

  2. Not heard of this outfit before, I'll pop over and take a look. Please put my name in the hat for the giveaway xx

  3. Lovely giveaway, please put my name in your hat x

  4. Please enter me as I have fallen for their Santa sacks. The trouble is I need 5 xx

  5. I love the personalised puzzles- Syd is really into jigsaws currently- tho he posts the pieces all over the place! He needs a stocking for Santa this year too- so the sacks would be perfect! xx

  6. Ooh i love this site but i've never heard of it before! I would love to win a little voucher! The puzzles look like great fun!

  7. These look great fun - thanks for the introduction to something new :)

    givinganswers [at] googlemail [dot] com

  8. Those puzzles look great. My boys would love them for xmas!xxx


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