Saturday 5 January 2013

Reverb '12 Days 18 - 24

I am back! A little late to the Reverb party but who's counting right? Here are my responses to the next week of questions.
Day 18 : The Colour of You

I think Brown best describes the last year. Generally, it is not concidered a cheerful colour (overcoming pnd) but some of the years events did taste quite sweet indeed (like chocolate!). I am hoping this year will be much more colourful and cheerful. I had an aura photo taken a while ago and my colours are Green and Yellow. (Funnily enough my antibiotics are green and antihistamines are yellow!)

Day 19: How Did You Nurture Yourself?

I don't think I looked after myself very well in 2012. I think I have started this year a little differently. I have taken time off from blogging so I can recuperate. (I have had an awful chest infection that has been stubborn to shift.) I have been resting more and eating a little better so I am hoping to drop some of my baby weight this year and get slowly back into shape.

Day 20: What What Lost and What Was Found?

I think over the course of the year I lost my identity, my sense of self. I felt like I became a job description rather than an actual person. I felt defined by the tasks I was required to do rather than the person I was.
Gradually, I have rediscovered my strength of character and realised that it was me not others that were denying myself. I am as important as everyone else and I have a right to express that.

Day 21: What's on The Dream List?

I am not sure I ticked anything off my dream list. Looking back last year was a very important year as I came to realise many things about myself and the way I perceive things. While I may not have outwardly achieved much I accomplished a great deal in my personal developement.
For this year my aim is to raise £1,000 for Unicef and write a childrens book, well, for starters anyway!

Day 22: Your Most Important Gift?

My most appreciated gift I recieved during 2012 was the never ending support and friendship I found through my online friends. There were days when they were the only people I had to turn to and they were always there for me. I have found so many like minded people out there who have given me strength and helped me get through a really tough year. I can't thank you all enough! If you're reading this then count yourself as one of them x

Day 23: What Will You Let Go Of?

This time last year I wouldn't have believed I was making excuses for myself. I have never done that. I have always found a way to achieve my goal regardless of the obstacles. I must admit, having the little boys has provided me with a perfect excuse not to put myself out too much. I am getting older and finding myself less willing to put myself out to accomplish things. These are only little things but it starts somewhere, right? I used to walk the dog in all weathers as it needed doing. Now I find myself saying, "She will be ok for a day" if the rain doesn't let up. This is not the type of person I want to be, I want to make the effort, always.

Day 24: The Most Important Habit?

I want to make my most important habit routine. I want to create a routine that suits all the boys and helps to keep me motivated too. It is so easy to sit round the house and not do anything for days on end. That is not what any of us need and I don't want that to be what my boys remember.
I want us to have fun and experience lots of new things together. 

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