Thursday 4 April 2013

3 O'Clock Crash

  Why is it, every day at about 3pm I have a complete energy shut down? I feel so drowsy I struggle to keep my eyes open. I yawn like crazy, I get a bit shaky and find it very difficult to concentrate on what I am doing. This makes life very difficult if I am at work as I'm sure you can imagine.

I am standing here, having fired up the kettle for a medicinal cup of tea, wondering why this happens. Why at the same time every day do I suddenly feel overcome by tiredness?
I have had some lunch, a proper one too! Jacket potato with cheese and spaghetti O's. I also had a good breakfast today so lack of food or energy can't be the problem. I had a pretty good nights sleep too until 4am when the boys woke up.

During the rest of the day I have enough energy and am running about getting jobs done and playing with the boys. Yet come 3pm, I can't keep my eyes open.
It used to be so bad that I had to stop on the school run every day for a five minute nap, just so I could get us home safely. If I have a 5 minute nap I am usually alright and able to continue as usual for the rest of the day. It is very strange.

This is a diagram of the Chinese Medicine Clock

According to this clock 3pm relates to Small Intestine (1-3pm) which is most affected by stress and Bladder (3-5pm) which is the organ most closely connected to the nerves.
In Chinese Medicine, energy passes through each organ at a particular time of day. At that time an organ should be working at its optimum performance. Any problem at a specific time of day could indicate an energy problem with that particular organ. This could be either a physical or emotional problem.
This is a subject I find hugely interesting so I will read up more about it and hope for a solution.

15 minutes later and I am feeling better, the tiredness is lifting. It doesn't last long but it does stop play quite effectively. I have a horrible feeling that the answer may lie in getting more sleep. All I will need to do then is work out how to explain that to the boys!! 


  1. Everyone has highs and lows during the day, their eternal clock, but the 3pm thing is something I've heard many people have. I don't, often I'm starting my work day at that varies, strange schedule. Do you find an hour later you're ready to go again? Many due. Change your routine...if you're at the desk get up and walk around for 10 minutes.


  2. I used to feel like this when my boys were smaller ... usually about 4pm. I started having a low cal hot chocolate or banana and it got better ... x

  3. I used to feel like that, since I changed my diet I haven't experienced it at all, it's great. I hope you find a way to ease it for you x


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