Saturday 6 April 2013

F is for Flowers


In the absence of Spring, I thought I would share some of the pretty flowers that turned up in our garden last year. I am hoping they will make another appearance this year as they look amazing scattered about the place. 
I hope we all the chance to stop and smell the flowers. 
Have a great weekend!


  1. lovely! spring is late here, too. looking forward to the colors to return to the garden. cheers, Dorothee
    (we are almost A-Z neighbours, i'm at #1442 life as a journey )

  2. Beautiful colours. Can't wait to see more of this in gardens everywhere :) xx

  3. These are great flowers! I'm taking a photo journal of my garden, taking a photo every other week to plot the progress of my flowers as they awaken this spring. (However mother nature keeps hitting the snooze button here I'm afraid.)


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