Tuesday 2 April 2013

Finally, Some Child Safe Paint!

Yup, that's right. A fabulous company have come up with an interior emulsion made with natural ingredients that is non-toxic. Non Toxic!! I know, I couldn't believe it either. All the qualities of regular paint but with no downsides?! It sounded too good to be true so I had to try some.

I saw a tweet asking for bloggers to do a review for Nature Paint so I replied. When I received an email with information about the paint and a colour chart, I was even more keen to try it. This stuff boasts some pretty impressive qualities.

Firstly, it is made by a Cornish company. I am always supportive of "Home Grown" so this British company appealed instantly.
The first and ONLY paint company to be awarded a zero VOC* symbol by B&Q. *Volatile Organic Compound
They use natural, non toxic ingredients such as Cornish Clay, French Ochres and Italian Sienna for rich colours.
The emulsion is both washable and durable providing excellent coverage.
During the development process, the paint has been rigorously tested to ensure it can match the industry standard so there is no compromise on quality.

The thing that most appealed to me was the fact that it is environmentally friendly to dispose of. Normal paints have to be taken to the local dump rather than just thrown away. Nature paint can be mixed with garden compost or left to dry and put out with your normal rubbish. Amazing!

If I have convinced you to give Nature Paint a try, pop on over to their site for a look at their lovely range of colours and to place an order! If not, keep your eyes peeled for my next Nature Paint post when I will reveal how we got on with decorating our front room. My husband chose a pale blue/grey called By The Wind Sailor. It's going in a sunny room so  it should balance it out perfectly.

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