Tuesday 16 April 2013

N is for... New House!

Yes, we have a new house! Whilst wandering round Tesco, I noticed that they had play houses reduced. How could I resist?! After searching the immediate area, I couldn't find any other than the display model so I asked where I could find them. The assistant unsure and suggested I try customer services. They sent me upstairs to order one from the online direct counter as they said they had sold out. As they were the original price I decided against it and thought we had simply missed out.

We wandered back downstairs quite disappointed so I suggested a bit of chocolate to cheer us up. As we walked to the sweet aisle, I suggested we have a look in the outdoor section just in case there was a house up there. I'm so glad I did. There was a whole shelf stacked with them! We bought our house and then spent a fair while rearranging the back of the car to fit it in.

As soon as we were home we set about putting it together. All the boys helped out and our neighbour, Jack.

The little guys are really happy with their new house and didn't want to come in for their dinner, even though it was starting to rain! I'm sure if the weather is good tomorrow they will be out there most of the day given half a chance.

1 comment:

  1. Well, I think you did good with that new house:) Happy A-Z Challenge


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