Saturday 28 December 2013

The Return of Kat Sighs

It has become very obvious that this little blog has become more important than I first gave it credit for. I have tried to stop blogging before and was drawn back to it. This time I wanted to close the door on this particular chapter of my life and start afresh elsewhere. That is clearly not to be. I am being presented with amazing opportunities that I can't turn down and all because of Kat Sighs! 

So, I am back. I have a new outlook on things that I am sure will come across! 
My philosophy for this year is to say Yes to every opportunity and turn up. I don't want to miss a thing, even if it scares the crap out of me. I already know this is going to be one hell of a year judging by the things I have already signed up for so I'd be more than happy if you want to join me for the ride! 

I want to thank everyone who has supported me over the last 2 years. You are all awesome! Also a HUGE, HUGE Thank You to all you fabulous followers on here and Twitter (plus the same few on Facebook!). You guys have not only helped me through the depths of depression last year but also the living hell that has been 2013. I seriously can't thank you enough! You are all the reason I'm back. I miss you guys!! I was totally overwhelmed by my massive Twitter welcome today too. 

Hannah, you will always be my Banana Cupcake! My first online everything. Blog buddy, swapper, twitter chatter, first blogger I met. I'm honoured to call you my friend Love you masses x
Kat, you just rock! I missed your wisdom and kindness my friend. You are beautiful inside and out x
Pippa, IM THERE!! You have changed me perception of myself and given me the courage to dream again. There is no greater gift you could give anyone and I thank you from the bottom of my heart x
Joy, you have given me the voice of reason and the calm in a turbulent storm. I am so glad to have met you and have you as a dear friend x

There are so many more, I could go on for days... But, as in the old days, the boys are awakening and I must dash. I've missed Kat Sighs and it's good to be back! Much love x


  1. New follower here... So glad to read about your re-newed interest... I'm looking forward to getting to know you better! :o)

  2. I'm so pleased you didn't close the doors on this wonderful blog Kat. Thank you for the kind words I will ALWAYS be a friend and I'm so pleased you have many others too xxx

  3. I am so happy you've decided to stay xxx

  4. Welcome back Kat, thanks for your kind words, so pleased to have met the "real" you at long last. I'm with you for the ride in 2014, just let me find my crash helmet :-)

  5. This has made my day. Welcome back. May 2014 bring you joy. You are a special person Kat. Sarah from Secret Housewife Xxx

  6. Welcome back! Hope 2014 is a better year for you.

  7. Aw just caught up on your blog. There's so much to be said for blogging, such a wonderful community of people/friends out there. I'm not sure I will ever be able to give up! Welcome back Kat x


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